Knowledge to Advance Healthcare


Collaborating with organizations representing health professional education

ACAPT’s National Interprofessional Education Consortium (NIPEC) advances physical therapy as an integral component of interprofessional education (IPE) and practice through collaboration with other organizations nationally and internationally. The consortium also serves as a resource and forum for faculty at member institutions involved in interprofessional education (IPE) efforts.

NIPEC has many IPE resources including:


Myla Quiben, PT, PhD, DPT, MS

University of North Texas Health Science Center
Professional Title Goes Here

Expanded collaboration across the globe

ACAPT increased its outreach to other organizations in PT and higher education in healthcare this year -- including collaboration with the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions (ASAHP), World Physiotherapy (formerly WPTC) and other professional associations for colleges in healthcare.

During COVID-19, we teamed up with World Physiotherapy to develop and implement a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on PT education.

For the first time, the Educational Leadership Conference (ELC) opened registration to our PT education peers globally.

ACAPT and its consortia also continue collaboration with the APTA, the APTA Academy of Education and its related SIGs.
