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Enter Publication Data

Enter Publication Data

RIPPT Benchmark Data Entry: Publications

Enter the search terms you used to find the publications from your program

The date when your search begins, typically when your program was founded.,

End date for your search

How many publications have come from your program

Sum of the Times Cited

Sum of Times Cited without self-citations

Sum of Times Cited without self-citations

Sum of Times Cited without self-citations

Sum of Times Cited without self-citations

Sum of Times Cited without self-citations

You can print to a pdf, or take a screen shot and convert that to a pdf in another program. All we need to see is the upper part of the web of science report that has the graphs and the calculations.

You should only enter publications once for your program. This page is intended to represent total scholarly productivity for the program over time. So you should only hit submit once.

How to Enter Publication Data

Use web of science or whatever database best captures the publications from your program.  We are asking for the most recent five years.  Once you have a report that captures the standard data above, save it to a pdf file by choosing print – pdf from the print menu, or by taking a screen shot, pasting into a word processor file, and saving as pdf.  You need not save all pages, just enough to verify the search so it could be independently reproduced.

Once you have your data, login with your RIPPT institutional membership.  Then click on the button to enter your publication data.  If you are updating your data, please delete the old entry and add a new one.

Type in the Search Terms used along with the start and end dates covered by the search along with the results.  Put in the summary data as requested about your program’s overall publication productivity and impact.  Then upload the pdf file for verification and submit.

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