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Academic Innovation

Enhancing Clinical Education

Enhancing clinical education

ACAPT is working on innovative models for clinical education.

Thanks to the National Consortium of Clinical Educators (NCCE) for all their invaluable work over the years.  We look forward to continued success under the new Clinical Education Commission leadership.

Clinical education placement data

An ACAPT National Consortium of Clinical Educators (NCCE) task force - Placement Capacity and Process Innovation - completed an inpatient & outpatient survey with over 2,000 total respondents.  Thanks to Exxat for helping distribute the survey to SCCEs.

Stay tuned for complete results & recommendations for transforming the current placement process to maximize availability and efficiency.


Clinical Education Regional Consortia Roadshows

  • After our successful regional consortia roadshow in New England in the Fall of 2022, ACAPT will be travelling to meet with 2 more consortia this Fall to generate strategies for enhancing communication and networking among clinical education stakeholders:
    • Central Coordinators of Clinical Education Consortium (AR, KS, MO, OK) on Saturday, November 4, 2023
    • Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs (KY, OH) on Saturday, November 11, 2023

    Expanding the Clinical Education Glossary

    Expanding upon the clinical education glossary created in 2022, ACAPT and the APTA Academy of Education (AoE) have designated representatives actively working on additional terms.

    clinical education regional networking

    Amplifying the clinical education community

    • A clinical reasoning instrument toolbox is in development for future dissemination.

    • A new Clinical Partner Engagement task force is rethinking clinical-academic partnerships and working towards educational sustainability through more integrated relationships.

    • As part of their resource-sharing series, the NCCE also held a mental health webinar called Healing out loud: Coping strategies for the learning team.

    • Congratulations to the Clinical Education Commission leaders appointed by ACAPT with terms starting in October 2023.