
Cultivating a culture of scholarship & research

Cultivating a culture of scholarship & research


The purpose of this Task Force is to provide the tools that physical therapy programs can use to establish and sustain a research culture. More specifically:

  • Support institutional scientific research advancement
  • Promote implementation of discoveries into practice and education
  • Develop best practices for scientific, educational, and community-based research
  • Advance educational preparation through research outcomes

This task force identified strategic planning surrounding research-intensive program in physical therapy (RIPPT) as a high priority. The statement created from the group is as follows:

PT programs will produce impactful research (through rigorous scientific inquiry) that advances (evidence-based) physical therapy practice (and physical therapy education) and enhances the health of individuals and society.

The task force is developing standards and definitions related to Culture of Research, completing analysis of data and metrics related to research and scholarship, developing a "360 tool" to evaluate research culture, identifying a toolbox of strategies to meet identified needs, disseminating information and engaging membership for feedback.


    Task Force
    Establishing and sustaining a culture of research in academic PT


    • Jeff Houk
    • Joanne S. Katz, PT, DPT, PhD - SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
    • Merrill Landers
    • Mark Lyle, PT, PhD - Emory University
    • Stephanie A. Miller, PT, PhD - University of Indianapolis, Krannert School of Physical Therapy
    • Bryan O'Halloran, PT, DPT, DScPT - St Joseph's University Philadelphia
    • Darcy Reisman, PR, PhD, FAPTA - University of Delaware
    • Brittany Samulski, PT, DPT, PhD - Old Dominion University
    • Caio Sarmento, PhD, California State University, Fresno
    • Elke Schaumberg, DPT, PhD - Franklin Pierce University and Johnson and Wales University
    • Chris Sebelski, PT, DPT, PhD - Saint Louis University
    • Jennifer Stevens-Lapsley
    • Soo Yeon Sun, PT, PhD - Alvernia University
    • Gregory Thielman, PT, MSPT, EdD, ATC, CSRS - Saint Joseph's University
    • Kelly Westlake, PT, PhD - University of Maryland School of Medicine
    • Diane Wrisley, PT, PhD - College of St Mary


    Task Force
    Conduct a feasibility study for a research fellowship



    • Sylvester Carter, PT, MHS, PhD - Saint Joseph's University 
    • Karen Lomond, PhD - Ithaca College
    • Olu Owoeye, BPT, MS, PhD - Saint Louis University



    • The purpose of this Task Force is to explore the creation of an accredited research fellowship, similar in construct to the Fellowship in Higher Education Leadership. 

    This task force was charged with identifying target audience, conducting a needs assessment, and identifying and examining comparative programs, such as the accredited faculty residency programs and/or fellowship in higher education leadership. The group will explore the feasibility report on faculty residency programs and focus area priorities.


    • The purpose of this Task Force is to explore the value of an open-sourced, peer-reviewed online journal or other dissemination pathway for ACAPT and the requirements for establishing and sustaining it.

    This task group is working on a feasibility report on dissemination pathways and priorities. They are also planning for the development of an operationalization plan for an integrated dissemination platform.

    Task Force
    Conduct a feasibility study of mechanisms for knowledge dissemination in academic physical therapy



    • Ayodele A Akinremi, PT PhD, CCRP - Hampton University
    • Alvaro N Gurovich, PT, PhD - The University of Texas at El Paso
    • Sandra Kaplan
    • Neeraj Kumar, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS - USAHS
    • Eric Schussler, PhD, PT, ATC, CSCS - Old Dominion University
    • Mary Shall, PT, PhD - Virginia Commonwealth University
    • Rachel Tappan, PT, DPT - Northwestern University
    • Julie Tilson, PT, DPT, MS, FAPTA - University of Southern California


    Career paths within PT academia are growing! With over 180 PT educator positions open, there are many opportunities for students and clinicians to pursue a career in higher education. The webinar discussed the cost, benefits, and impact of a career in PT by pursuing a PhD, residency, or fellowship. XX institutions participated.
    Value of a phd graphic

    Utilize ACAPT's PhD Directory by creating or updating your listing or searching for specific focus areas. 

    Find resources such as articles on career earnings, pathways, and more.

    Education Research Committee

    The committee focused on three objectives for the year:

    1. Expand education research mentorship and resources
    2. Create education research resource
    3. Enhance the education research network and mentorship program for greater engagement

    In March, Challenges and Opportunities for Physical Therapist Education Research: Results from an American Council of Academic Physical Therapy Needs Assessment Survey was published online in the Journal of Physical Therapy Education.

    The committee has created the Toolkit for the Education Researcher to be launched in 2025. The toolkit will house resources that an education researcher will find useful in their career. Many of the resources were found or developed from the needs assessment data. The group plans future webinar series, focus groups, and communication platforms to engage their work.

    Supporting education research through hands-on training

    Every DPT program must commit to some level of scholarship and research.  ACAPT is a proud co-sponsor of a highly-interactive 4-day Grantwriting & mentorship in education research (GAMER) workshop providing participants with the expertise & support to be successful at the national level in obtaining funding for PT education research.

    Education Research: How to Begin Your Journey (mini-GAMER) at ELC is a one-day workshop supporting the development of the next generation of education researchers by connecting participants with research mentors who help develop a plan of action for their research question.

    ACAPT also sponsors Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research (TIGRR) - a 4-day workshop providing the expertise and support to be successful at the national level in obtaining research grant support. 

    GAMER logo