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ACAPT joins the Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP) to address College Cost Reduction Act (CCRA)

ACAPT and other Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP) members signed a letter to urge members of the Education and Workforce committee to amend the College Cost Reduction Act (CCRA) to allow for retainment of federal student loan programs, maximize Pell, allow Pell to be used for graduate education, and reject arbitrary aggregate limits that do not reflect the needs of our health care students.

CAPTE Adopts 2024 Standards and Required Elements

CAPTE adopted new Standards and Required Elements for Accreditation of Physical Therapist Education Programs and new Standards and Required Elements for Accreditation of Physical Therapist Assistant Programs. CAPTE expects all programs to meet the new standards and required elements as of Jan. 1, 2026. Scott Davis, ACAPT liaison, contributed to the CAPTE Standards & Review Group.


    ACAPT advocacy avoids 3rd party servicer problems

    In 2023, ACAPT joined the American Council on Education (ACE).

    Through ACAPT & ACE outreach, the Department of Education clarified several activities it does not consider third-party servicer relationships, including "clinical or externship opportunities that meet requirements under existing regulations because they are closely monitored by qualified personnel at an institution."

    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education

    The Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education will host a two-day workshop on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) in Health Professions Education, co-facilitated by ACAPT's liaison to the Forum, Kim Dunleavy, PT, PhD, OCS, FNAP. This workshop will explore evidence-based teaching and learning methods for new and innovative educational designs. 


        Interprofessional Education Collaborative

        ACAPT's liaison to the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), Kimberly Beran Shepler, attended the winter meeting where IPEC reviewed the following products and services:

        • IPEC has revamped its website to publish poster presentations providing a great resource for individuals looking for IPE ideas. The 2024 Poster Fair is on November 21, 2024. 
        • IPE Scoping review is published. The overall objective of this scoping review is to assess the impact of interprofessional education (IPE) on direct patient care.
        • IPEC Institutional Assessment Instrument is published and available for educational institutions to evaluate their capacity for high-quality programmatic IPE.
        • Faculty Development Institutes occur twice per year for two faculty members from different professions in an institution. The IPEC Institutes bring together interprofessional faculty and their partners from across health disciplines to advance IPE.
        • The updated IPEC Core Competencies were published in Fall 2023. Currently, there are over 2,100 downloads across numerous countries and 46 citations.
        • MedEdPORTAL is a peer-reviewed resource including a checklist to train faculty.
        • Collaboration Across Borders (CAB) IX will occur in-person in May 2025 in Omaha, NE with co-hosts, Creighton University and University of Nebraska Medical Center.