
Career pathways in PT

Career pathways in PT


  • Identify employment opportunities and career pathways for graduates
  • Help students think about entrepreneurship
  • Help graduates manage expectations for when they graduate, so they are not singularly focused on their earning potential in their first year. Help graduates make the best choices that reflect their areas of interest, passion, skill sets, etc.
  • Identify strategies and resources to encourage graduates to practice in rural areas
  • Emphasize all that a graduate can do with a degree in PT that's beyond just the clinical route

Task Force
Exploring career pathways for graduates of DPT programs


Chair: TBD

Vice Chair: TBD

  • Stacia Troshynski Brown, PT, DPT - University of Kansas Medical Center
  • Angie Henning, PT Cert MDT, CCS, CFPS - Lexington VA HealthCare System
  • Casey Herrmann, PT, DPT, CCS, CLT - Good Shepherd Penn Partners
  • Gregory Edwards, PT, DPT - Select Medical/The Ohio State University
  • Christina Myers, PT, DPT, DSc - South College
  • Angela Rusher, PT, DPT, PhD - Samuel Merritt University
  • Cortney Tanner, PT, DPT - Department of Veteran's Affairs
  • Catherine Turner, PT, DPT, PhD - Mary Baldwin University

The task force's energy, collaboration, and inclusiveness led to productive discussions on the topics of understanding physical therapy alumni and their experiences after graduation, exploring the range of options for applying for a career after DPT school and why others leave the profession.


Task force accomplishments:

  • Developing a branching logic survey to engage physical therapy alumni to learn more about their experiences after graduation. Recognizing the limitations of current data and studies, the group hopes to investigate the reasoning behind the survey limitations and explore options for these data points to develop. The group is also exploring a survey of physical therapists who have lapsed licenses to determine what could contribute to the individual leaving the profession.
  • A coaching template was created in collaboration with multiple clinical coordinators in the task force. The template could be used for supporting and coaching students in making decisions for long-term clinical placements, as well as for initial job/career paths.
  • Possibility in PT Career Pathways infographic visually depicts opportunities and career pathways with the DPT degree. The resource shows career opportunities including, but not limited to clinical, academic, entrepreneurship, post-professional education, and medically underserved opportunities.
  • Resource documents in areas such as private practice, leadership, entrepreneurship, and rural practice.

The group has completed an exhaustive search for data regarding physical therapy alumni and their reasons for staying or leaving the profession of physical therapy. To wrap up the year, they will finalize all resource drafts and discuss dissemination methods, IRB development for survey data and work with the ACAPT data advisory committee for review and feedback, and continue searching for data and resources to better understand physical therapy alumni.