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Contact Us

Sandy Brooks
Executive Director

1020 North Fairfax Street, Suite 401C
Alexandria, VA 22314-1488


For general ACAPT inquiries, email acapt@acapt.org.

For questions about ACAPT events, email events@acapt.org.

For questions about ACAPT marketing and communications, email marketing@acapt.org.

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If you work for an ACAPT member institution, be sure to set up your free account at membersportal.acapt.org to sign up for emails and access all your member benefits, including the Leadership Compass, member directory, survey reports and more.


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ACAPT posts about new reports, external events related to DPT education and more.  While our emails cover the critical ACAPT news, we share even more timely resources on a daily basis through the social media channels below.  

Be sure to follow us today - and tell your colleagues!

Check out the Center for Excellence in Academic Physical Therapy


ACAPT welcomes ideas & solutions to help meet the needs of DPT programs. Submit your suggestions for continuing education, professional development, guidelines, tools, best practices and more.

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