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CAPTE revised standards

The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) has created the second draft of the Revised Standards and Required Elements. CAPTE uses the standards and required elements to evaluate the quality of physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs and their relevance to student needs. 

Based on solicitation of membership feedback, ACAPT outlined recommendations for revisions to CAPTE Standards to CAPTE leadership beginning in 2021. In addition, ACAPT’s members recently passed two motions (noted below) of relevance to CAPTE.

ACAPT's board is pleased CAPTE has heard our members' input and made some adjustments to its revised accreditation standards. See details below:

ACAPT Recommendation or MotionCurrent Draft of CAPTE’s Revised Standards

Streamline the data reporting process, find ways to reduce redundancy of requested information, and create a mechanism for variable reporting based on a program's history of compliance.

  1. Number of standards reduced from 8 to 7

  2. Number of specific 7D standards reduced by approximately 50%

  3. No mechanism for variable reporting based on program’s history of compliance

Reduce the number of required elements in Standard 7 and ensure that all required elements are consistent with contemporary clinical practice

  1. Number of required elements in Standard 7 reduced as described above

  2. Elements related to examination and interventions decreased and less specific, omitting interventions not reflective of current practice

Provide needed data to support 50% of core faculty with terminal academic degrees is the correct percentage, and that other metrics be considered to demonstrate that a program is meeting its unique mission, and still meeting the standards of scholarship.

    1. 50% of core faculty with academic doctoral degrees

Slightly reduced from 50% to 40%, as long as an additional 10% are actively enrolled in an academic doctoral degree program (maximum of 1 faculty member counts for the 10% for programs with fewer than 10 core faculty)

2.  No change in scholarship requirements/scholarship metrics based on individual faculty or the collective faculty

Review Standard 3 to ensure that programs are providing evidence of recruitment and retention practices that promote diversity of faculty

  1. Nothing in Standard 3 appears changed from policies/procedures related to equal opportunity, nondiscrimination, rights/dignity, etc., for faculty and staff

  2. JEDI (justice, equity, diversity and inclusion) and belonging have been added to multiple standards and elements, including 2B, 4H, 4L, 5A, 5C, 5D, 6D, 7B2, and 7D22

ACAPT Motion AC-1-20Minimum Duration of Professional DPT Education Programs
Approved Motion

  1. First draft of revisions included minimum of 108 weeks of instruction, but also retained the minimum of 6 semesters

  2. Second draft amended to 96 weeks of instruction and minimum of 6 semesters

ACAPT Motion AC-5-21: Position on the Structure of Doctor of Physical Therapy Programs within the Parent University
Approved Motion

  1. Nothing about organizational structure of DPT program

  2. In Standard 4I, for Program Director, “appropriate decision-making” and description of “mechanisms that are in place for participation in shared decision-making” regarding:
    1. tuition rates and fee structures, input into financial aid processes related to the program, input into program expense decisions related to personnel, input into program expense decisions external to personnel (e.g. equipment supplies), input into the size of the program cohort and number of cohorts, and ability to advocate for additional resources where appropriate

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