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Contact:Deanne Fay PhD, DPT, PT Email: dfay@atsu.edu Address: Physical Therapy Dept, 5850 E Still Circle City: Mesa State: Arizona Zip: 85206-3618 Phone: (602) 689-8354 www.atsu.edu/ashs/programs/physical_therapy/
Contact:Jodi Liphart PT, DHSc, NCS Email: Jodi.liphart@ahu.edu Address: 671 Winyah Drive City: Orlando State: Florida Zip: 32803-1226 Phone: 407-303-1552 www.ahu.edu/academics/doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Charlene Portee, PT, PhD, FAAPT Email: cportee@alasu.edu Address: 1155 N University Drive City: Montgomery State: Alabama Zip: 36101 Phone: 334-229-5053 www.alasu.edu/chs/physical-therapy/asu-department-physical-therapy
Contact:Eric Arguello Email: Eric.Arguello@allencollege.edu Address: 1990 Heath St. City: Waterloo State: Iowa Zip: 50703 Phone: (319) 226-2024 www.allencollege.edu/doctor-of-physical-therapy.aspx
Contact:TRACY J. BRUDVIG PT, DPT, PHD, OCS Email: tracy.brudvig@aic.edu Address: 1000 State St City: Springfield State: Massachusetts Zip: 01109 Phone: 413.654.1400 www.aic.edu/school-of-health-sciences/program/physical-therapy/
Contact:Martha Hinman, PT, DPT, EdD, MHEd Email: mhinman@andersonuniversity.edu Address: 225 S. Pleasantburg Dr., Suite B-3; City: Greenville State: South Carolina Zip: 29607 Phone: 864.231.2000 andersonuniversity.edu/academics/health-professions/physical-therapy
Contact:Kimberly W. Coleman-Ferreira, PT, MSPT Email: colemank@andrews.edu Address: 8975 Old-US 31 City: Berrien Springs State: Michigan Zip: 49104-0001 Phone: 8975 Old-US 31 Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0001 www.andrews.edu/grad/programs/chhs/dpt.html
Contact:Kendra Nicks PT, ScD Email: Kendra.nicks@angelo.edu Address: 528 W. Avenue N City: San Angelo State: Texas Zip: 76903 Phone: 325-942-2545 www.angelo.edu/departments/physical-therapy/
Contact:Philip McClure, PT, PhD, FAPTA Email: mcclurep@arcadia.edu Address: 450 S. Easton Rd. City: Glenside State: Pennsylvania Zip: 19038-3215 Phone: 215-572-2863 www.arcadia.edu/college-health-sciences/departments-faculty/physical-therapy
Contact:Dana Kahl Email: dana.kahl@achehealth.edu Address: 7006 Chad Colley Blvd. City: Fort Smith State: Arkansas Zip: 72916 Phone: 479-401-6024 www.acheedu.org/physical-therapy/
Contact:Carrie Hoppes, PT, PhD, NCS, OCS, ATC, CSCS Email: carrie.w.hoppes.mil@mail.mil Address: 3630 Stanley Road, Bldg 2841, Suite 1301 Joint Base City: San Antonio-Ft Sam Houston State: Texas Zip: 78234-6100 Phone: 571-212-4660 www.baylor.edu/graduate/pt/index.php
Contact:Kevin E Brueilly, PT, PhD Email: kbrueilly@augusta.edu Address: 987 St. Sebastian Way City: Augusta State: Georgia Zip: 30912 Phone: 706-721-2141 www.augusta.edu/academics/physical-therapy.php
Contact:Tiffany Barrett, PT, DPT Email: Tiffany.Barrett@augie.edu Address: 2001 S Summit Avenue City: Sioux Falls State: South Dakota Zip: 57197-0001 Phone: 605/274-0770 www.augie.edu/academics/graduate-programs/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Susan Shore, PT, MSPT, PhD Email: sshore@apu.edu Address: 901 E. Alosta Ave. City: Azusa State: California Zip: 91702 Phone: 626-815-5021 www.apu.edu/bas/programs/dpt/
Contact:Brian A. Young, PT, DSc Email: Brian_A_Young@baylor.edu Address: One Bear Place #97193 City: Waco State: Texas Zip: 76798-7193 Phone: 254 710-8086 www.baylor.edu/graduate
Contact:Megan Danzl, PT, DPT, PhD Email: mdanzl@bellarmine.edu Address: Nolen C. Allen Hall-Office #367 City: Louisville State: Kentucky Zip: 40205 Phone: 502.272.7368 www.bellarmine.edu/health-professions/graduate/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Jonathon Weiss, PT, DPT Email: physicaltherapy@bellincollege.edu Address: 3201 Eaton Road Green Bay City: Green Bay State: Wisconsin Zip: 54311 Phone: 920-433-6699 www.bellincollege.edu/academics/graduate-physical-therapy/doctor-of-physical-therapy-dpt/
Contact:Gary P. Austin, PT, PhD, OCS, FAFS, FAAOMPT Email: gary.austin@belmont.edu Address: 1900 Belmont Blvd. City: Nashville State: Tennessee Zip: 37212 Phone: 615-460-6767 www.belmont.edu/pt/index.html
Contact:Diane M. Heislein, PT, DPT, MS, OCS Email: heislein@bu.edu Address: 635 Commonwealth Ave. City: Boston State: Massachusetts Zip: 02215-1605 Phone: 617-353-7504 www.bu.edu/sargent/academics/departments-programs/physical-therapy-athletic-training/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Jennifer Kish Email: kishjc@bgsu.edu Address: 104 Health and Human Services Bldg City: Bowling Green State: Ohio Zip: 43403-0001 Phone: 419.372.2531 https://www.bgsu.edu/academics/graduate/physical-therapy-doctoral.html
Contact:Melissa Peterson, PT, PhD, GCS Email: mpetersn@bradley.edu Address: 1501 W. Bradley Ave. City: Peoria State: Illinois Zip: 61625 Phone: 309-677-3179 www.bradley.edu/academic/departments/pths/
Contact:Heather Ross PT,MPT,PhD Email: hross@brenau.edu Address: 500 Washington St SE City: Gainesville State: Georgia Zip: 30501 Phone: (770) 534-6299 www.brenau.edu/healthsciences/physicaltherapy/
Contact:Patrick Cross, PT, DPT Email: patrick.cross@briarcliff.edu Address: 3303 Rebecca St. City: Sioux City State: Iowa Zip: 51104 Phone: 712-279-5321 www.briarcliff.edu/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Cheryl Hickey PT, MPT, MS, EdD Email: cherylba@csufresnostate.edu Address: 5315 Campus Drive M/S PT29 City: Fresno State: California Zip: 93740 Phone: 559-278-2625 www.fresnostate.edu/chhs/physical-therapy/degrees-programs/dpt.html
Contact:Jenny Bagwell, PT, PhD, DPT Email: Jenny.Bagwell@csulb.edu Address: 1250 Bellflower Blvd. City: Long Beach State: California Zip: 90840 Phone: 562.985.4887 www.csulb.edu/college-of-health-human-services/physical-therapy
Contact:Beth Phillips, PT, DPA Email: beth.phillips@csun.edu Address: 18111 Nordhoff Street City: Northridge State: California Zip: 91330-0001 Phone: 818-677-2048 www.csun.edu/health-human-development/physical-therapy
Contact:Michael McKeough, PT, EdD, Director Email: mmckeough@csus.edu Address: 6000 J St Solano Hall 4013 City: Sacramento State: California Zip: 95819 Phone: (916) 278-5055 www.csus.edu/college/health-human-services/physical-therapy/
Contact:Gregory Dedrick, PT, ScD, OCS Email: dedrickg@campbell.edu Address: PO Box 1090 City: Buies Creek State: North Carolina Zip: 27506 Phone: 910-893-1758 cphs.campbell.edu/academic-programs/physical-therapy/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Sara Deprey, PT, DPT, MS, GCS Email: sdeprey@carrollu.edu Address: 100 N East Avenue City: Waukesha State: Wisconsin Zip: 53186-3103 Phone: 262-951-3051 www.carrollu.edu/academics/health-sciences/doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Deborah Jo Silkwood-Sherer, PT, DHS, HPCS Email: silkw1d@cmich.edu Address: 1200 S. Franklin St. City: Mount Pleasant State: Michigan Zip: 48858-3745 Phone: 989-774-1337 www.cmich.edu/colleges/CHP/hp_academics/physical_therapy/Pages/default.aspx
Contact:Shawn Farrokhi Email: farrokhi@chapman.edu Address: 1 University Dr, City: Orange State: California Zip: 92866-1005 Phone: 702-777-3142 www.chapman.edu/crean/academic-programs/graduate-programs/physical-therapy/index.aspx
Contact:Janet Tankersley PT, DPT, PhD Email: dpt@csuniv.edu Address: Health Science Building – PT Wing; 9200 University Blvd. City: Charleston State: South Carolina Zip: 29406 Phone: 843-863-7355 www.charlestonsouthern.edu/academics/college-of-health-sciences/physical-therapy/
Contact:Bradley Kruse PT, DPT, EdD Email: Bradley.kruse@clarke.edu Address: 1550 Clarke Dr. MS 1712 City: Dubuque State: Iowa Zip: 52001 Phone: 563-588-6382 www.clarke.edu/academics/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Heather Shattuck PT, DPT Email: hshattuc@clarkson.edu Address: 2204 Clarkson Ave. City: Potsdam State: New York Zip: 13699 Phone: 315-268-7622 www.clarkson.edu/graduate/physical-therapy
Contact:Suzanne Giuffre, PT, EdD Email: s.m.giuffre@csuohio.edu Address: 2121 Euclid Ave, Campus Location: HS 102 City: Cleveland State: Ohio Zip: 44115 Phone: 216-687-3581 sciences.csuohio.edu/physical-therapy/physical-therapy
Contact:Kimberly Varnado Email: kvarnado@csm.edu Address: 7000 Mercy Road City: Omaha State: Nebraska Zip: 68106-2377 Phone: 402-399-2355 www.csm.edu/academics/doctorate-physical-therapy
Contact:Zaghloul Ahmed, PT, PhD Email: zaghloul.ahmed@csi.cuny.edu Address: 2800 Victory Boulevard 5-N207 Staten Island, NY 10314-6600 State: Phone: 718-982-2980/3153 www.csi.cuny.edu
Contact:Jean Fitzpatrick PT, PhD Email: jt2634@cumc.columbia.edu Address: 710 W. 168th Street City: New York State: New York Zip: 10032-3726 Phone: 212-305-0470 www.cumc.columbia.edu/rehab/education/physical-therapy
Contact:Robert Frampton Email: robert.frampton@cuaa.edu Address: 4090 Geddes Rd. City: Ann Arbor State: Michigan Zip: 48105 Phone: 734-995-7300 https://blog.cuaa.edu/dpt-accreditation/
Contact:Dale Gerke, PT, ScD Email: dale.gerke@cuw.edu Address: 12800 N. Lake Shore Dr. City: Mequon State: Wisconsin Zip: 53097 Phone: 262-243-5700 www.cuw.edu/academics/programs/doctor-physical-therapy/index.html
Contact:Peter Rundquist, PT, PhD Email: rundquist@csp.edu Address: 1282 Concordia Ave. City: St Paul State: Minnesota Zip: 55104 Phone: (651) 603-6294 www.csp.edu/program/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Jennifer Furze PT, DPT, FAPTA Email: jfurze@creighton.edu Address: 2500 California Plaza City: Omaha State: Nebraska Zip: 68178-0001 Phone: 402-280-5675 spahp.creighton.edu/physical-therapy/doctor-physical-therapy-omaha
Contact:James V Lynskey, PT, PhD Email: jameslynskey@creighton.edu Address: 4001 N. 3rd Street, Suite 290 City: Phoenix State: Arizona Zip: 85012 Phone: 602-812-3131 www.creighton.edu/healthsciences/phoenix/doctor-physical-therapy-phoenix-az
Contact:Greg Ford, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS Email: gford@daemen.edu Address: 4380 Main Street City: Amherst State: New York Zip: 14226 Phone: 716-839-8547 www.daemen.edu/academics/areas-study/physical-therapy
Contact:Julie Ronnebaum PT PhD, DPT, CEEAA, FNAP Email: julie.ronnebaum@dmu.edu Address: 3200 Grand Ave. City: Des Moines State: Iowa Zip: 50312-4198 Phone: 515-271-1634 www.dmu.edu/pt/
Contact:Kay Malek, PT, Ph.D. Email: Kay.Malek@desales.edu Address: 2755 Station Ave. City: Center Valley State: Pennsylvania Zip: 18034 Phone: 610-282-1100 ext. 1839 www.desales.edu/academics/graduate-studies/dpt-doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Lisa Chiarello PT, PhD, PCS, FAPTA Email: lc38@drexel.edu Address: 1601 Cherry Street City: Philadelphia State: Pennsylvania Zip: 19102 Phone: 215.762.8852 drexel.edu/cnhp/academics/doctoral/DPT-Doctor-Physical-Therapy/
Contact:Todd Cade, PT, PhD Email: todd.cade@duke.edu Address: 111 Cricket Ground City: Durham State: North Carolina Zip: 27707-9761 Phone: (919) 660-9825 dpt.duhs.duke.edu/
Contact:Christopher R. Carcia, PT, PhD, OCS, SCS Email: carcia@duq.edu Address: 600 Forbes Ave. City: Pittsburgh State: Pennsylvania Zip: 15282-0001 Phone: 412-396-4776 duq.edu/academics/schools/health-sciences/academic-programs/physical-therapy
Contact:Eric Miller PT, DSc, OCS, CertMDT Email: millere@dyc.edu Address: 320 Porter Ave City: Buffalo State: New York Zip: 14201-1084 Phone: 716-829-7708 www.dyc.edu/academics/schools-and-departments/health-professions/departments/physical-therapy/
Contact:Amy Gross McMillan, PT, PhD Email: grossmcmillana@ecu.edu Address: Health Sciences Building, Mail Stop 668, 600 Moye Blvd City: Greenville State: North Carolina Zip: 27834 Phone: 252-744-6232 pt.ecu.edu/
Contact:Beatrice Owens Email: owensb@etsu.edu Address: Box 70634 City: Johnson City State: Tennessee Zip: 37614-1709 Phone: 423-439-8794 catalog.etsu.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=41&poid=13329&returnto=1740
Contact:Dan Anton, PT, PhD, ATC Email: danton@ewu.edu Address: 526 5th Street City: Cheney State: Washington Zip: 99004 Phone: 509-828-1375 www.ewu.edu/chsph/physical-therapy/
Contact:Charity Johansson, PT, PhD Email: cjohanss@elon.edu Address: 100 Campus Drive City: Elon State: North Carolina Zip: 27244 Phone: 336-278-6350 www.elon.edu/u/academics/health-sciences/dpt/
Contact:Jean Irion - PT,EdD,SCS,ATC Email: jirion@ehc.edu Address: 525 Radio Hill Rd. City: Marion State: Virginia Zip: 24354 Phone: 276-944-6753 www.ehc.edu/academics/physical-therapy/
Contact:Marie A. Johanson, PT, PhD Email: majohan@emory.edu Address: 1462 Clifton Road, NE, Suite 312 City: Atlanta State: Georgia Zip: 30322 Phone: 404-712-5671 www.emorydpt.org/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Heather E. Mount, PT, DSc, cert MDT, OCS Email: hmount@faulkner.edu Address: 5345 Atlanta Highway City: Montgomery State: Alabama Zip: 36109-3390 Phone: 334-386-7379 www.faulkner.edu/graduate/graduate-degrees/physical-therapy/
Contact:Dawn Brown-Cross, PT, MBA, EdD, CLT Email: dawn.browncross@famu.edu Address: 334 Palmer Avenue City: Tallahassee State: Florida Zip: 32307 Phone: 850-412-7866 www.famu.edu/index.cfm?pt
Contact:Eric Shamus, PhD, DPT, CSCS Email: eshamus@fgcu.edu Address: 10501 FGCU Boulevard S City: Fort Myers State: Florida Zip: 33965-6502 Phone: 239-590-7530 www.fgcu.edu/mariebcollege/rehabilitationsciences/physicaltherapy/doctorofphysicaltherapy-dpt
Contact:Mark Rossi, PT, PhD, CSCS Email: rossim@fiu.edu Address: CNHS, AHC3 MCC Campus City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33199-0001 Phone: (305) 348-3478 cnhs.fiu.edu/academics/physical-therapy/index.html
Contact:Nancy Nuzzo Email: nnuzzo@flsouthern.edu Address: 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive City: Lakeland State: Florida Zip: 33801 Phone: 863.680.5126 www.flsouthern.edu/adult-graduate/doctoral/programs/dpt-physical-therapy.aspx
Contact:T. Kirk Nelson Email: dpt@franu.edu Address: 5414 Brittany Drive City: Baton Rouge State: Louisiana Zip: 70808-9139 Phone: (225) 214-6965 franu.edu/academics/academic-programs/physical-therapy
Contact:Letha B. Zook, PT, EdD Email: Zookl@franklinpierce.edu Address: 14455 West Van Buren Suite 100 City: Goodyear State: Arizona Zip: 85338 Phone: 623-518-2386 franklinpierce.edu/academics/programs/physical-therapy/index.html
Contact:Ann Coventry, PT, EdD, MS Email: Coventrya@franklinpierce.edu Address: 670 North Commercial Street Suite 301 City: Manchester State: New Hampshire Zip: 03101 Phone: 603-647-3551 franklinpierce.edu/academics/programs/physical-therapy/index.html
Contact:Kristine S. Legters, PT, DSc, NCS Email: legters001@gannon.edu Address: 109 University Square City: Erie State: Pennsylvania Zip: 16541 Phone: 814-871-5641 www.gannon.edu/academic-offerings/health-professions-and-sciences/graduate/physical-therapy/
Contact:Mollie Venglar PT, PhD Email: venglar001@gannon.edu Address: 105 Commercial Center Drive City: Ruskin State: Florida Zip: 33573 Phone: 813-658-4930 www.gannon.edu/academic-offerings/health-professions-and-sciences/graduate/doctor-of-physical-therapy-program/
Contact:Sujay Galen, PT, Ph.D., FHEA Email: sgalen@gsu.edu Address: 1282 Urban Life Building City: Atlanta State: Georgia Zip: 30303 Phone: 404-413-1251 www.gsu.edu/program/physical-therapy-dpt/
Contact:Rebecca K. Wojcik, PT, EdD, GCS Email: rwojcik@govst.edu Address: 1 University Pkwy City: University Park State: Illinois Zip: 60484 Phone: 708-235-2231 www.govst.edu/Academics/Colleges_and_Programs/College_of_Health_and_Human_Services/Department_of_Physical_Therapy/
Contact:Leigh Murray, PT, PhD Email: dpt-admissions@graceland.edu. Address: 1 University Pl City: Lamoni State: Iowa Zip: 50140 Phone: 816-209-1332 https://dpt.graceland.edu/
Contact:Todd Sander Email: sandetod@gvsu.edu Address: 301 Michigan Street NE, CHS 200 City: Grand Rapids State: Michigan Zip: 49503 Phone: 616-331-2678 www.gvsu.edu/pt/
Contact:Elizabeth Locke PT, PhD Email: ELIZABETH.LOCKE@HAMPTONU.EDU Address: 200 William R. Harvey Way City: Hampton State: Virginia Zip: 23668 Phone: 757-727-5260 science.hamptonu.edu/pt/
Contact:Gregory Kline, PT, DPT, EdD, MBA Email: volansky@hanover.edu Address: 517 Ball Drive City: Hanover State: Indiana Zip: 47243 Phone: 812-647-6085 www.dptprogram.hanover.edu/
Contact:Kevin Ramey, PT, PhD Email: kramey1@harding.edu Address: Box 12292 City: Searcy State: Arkansas Zip: 72149 -2292 Phone: 501-279-5990 www.harding.edu/academics/colleges-departments/allied-health/physical-therapy
Contact:Jacob Brewer, PT, DPT, PhD Email: jbrewer@hsutx.edu Address: 2200 Hickory, HSU Box 16065 City: Abilene State: Texas Zip: 79601 Phone: 325-671-2146 www.hsutx.edu/academics/graduate-programs/doctorate-physical-therapy/
Contact:Mary Jane Rapport Email: mjrapport@hpu.edu Address: 500 Ala Moana Blvd, Bldg-1-400 City: Honolulu State: Hawaii Zip: 96813 Phone: 773-450-6795 www.hpu.edu/chs/dpt/
Contact:Jeffrey B. Taylor DPT, PhD Email: jtaylor@highpoint.edu Address: One University Parkway High Point, NC 27268 State: Phone: 336-841-9728 www.highpoint.edu/physicaltherapy/
Contact:Yasser Salem, PT, MS, PhD Email: Yasser.Salem@hofstra.edu Address: 119 Hofstra University City: Hempstead State: New York Zip: 11549-1190 Phone: 516-463-5185 https://www.hofstra.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Cristiana K. Collins, PT, PhD, CFMT, NCS Email: cristiana.collins@hunter.cuny.edu Address: 425 East 25th Street City: New York State: New York Zip: 10010 Phone: (212) 396-7109 www.hunter.cuny.edu/pt
Contact:Karen Huhn, PT, PhD, MS Email: huhnk@husson.edu Address: 1 College Circle City: Bangor State: Maine Zip: 04401 Phone: 207-941-7145 www.husson.edu/college-of-health-and-pharmacy/school-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Tarang K. Jain, PT, DPT, PhD Email: TarangJain@isu.edu Address: 1311 E Central Drive, Room 819D City: Meridian State: Idaho Zip: 83642 Phone: 208-373-1946 www.isu.edu/pt/
Contact:Howell Tapley PT, MSPT, PhD Email: howell.tapley@indstate.edu Address: 200 N 7th St, City: Terre Haute State: Indiana Zip: 47809 Phone: 812-237-6311 www.indstate.edu/health/program/dpt
Contact:Peter Andrew Altenburger, PT, PhD Email: paltenbu@iupui.edu Address: 425 University Blvd. City: Indianaoplis State: Indiana Zip: 46202-5143 Phone: 317-278-0703 shhs.iupui.edu/about/departments/physical-therapy/index.html
Contact:Robert Friberg Email: physical.therapy@indwes.edu Address: 4201 S. Washington St City: Marion State: Indiana Zip: 46953-4974 Phone: 765/677-3698 www.indwes.edu/adult-graduate/programs/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Dr. Laura Gras, PT, DPT, DSc, MS, GCS Email: lgras@ithaca.edu Address: 411 Center for Health Sciences Department of Physical Therapy Ithaca College City: Ithaca State: New York Zip: 14850 Phone: 607-274-7125 www.ithaca.edu/academics/school-health-sciences-and-human-performance/physical-therapy
Contact:Elizabeth Locke Email: elocke@kean.edu Address: 1000 Morris Avenue City: Union State: New Jersey Zip: 07083 Phone: (908) 737-6179 www.kean.edu/academics/programs/physical-therapy-dpt
Contact:Elicia Pollard, PT, MEd, PhD, CES Email: elicia.pollard@langston.edu Address: 701 Sammy Davis Jr. Drive City: Langston State: Oklahoma Zip: 73050 Phone: (405) 466-3427 www.langston.edu/physical-therapy
Contact:Michael Fink Pt, DSc Email: fink@lvc.edu Address: 101 College Avenue City: Annville State: Pennsylvania Zip: 17003 Phone: 717-867-6852 www.lvc.edu/academics/undergraduate-studies/physical-therapy/
Contact:Arvie C. Vitente, PT, DPT, PhD, MPH, GCS, FNAP, CEEAA, CDP Email: avitente@lewisu.edu Address: 1 University Parkway City: Romeoville State: Illinois Zip: 60446 Phone: (815)-836-5702 www.lewisu.edu/academics/dpt/index.htm
Contact:Kellee Harper-Hanigan, DPT, PhD, CHSE, WCC Email: kellee.hanigan@lmunet.edu Address: 9731 Cogdill Road, Rm 233 City: Knoxville State: Tennessee Zip: 37932 Phone: 865.338.5680 kellee.hanigan@lmunet.edu
Contact:Lawrence Edwin Chinnock, PT, EdD Email: lchinnock@llu.edu Address: 11060 Anderson Street City: Loma Linda State: California Zip: 92350 Phone: 909-558-4632 alliedhealth.llu.edu/academics/physical-therapy
Contact:Michael Masaracchio PT,PhD,DPT,OCS,FAAOMPT Email: michael.masaracchio@liu.edu Address: 1 University Plaza City: Brooklyn State: New York Zip: 11201 Phone: 718-488-1498 www.liu.edu/Brooklyn/Academics/School-of-Health-Professions/Academic-Programs/Physical-Therapy
Contact:Jane Eason, PT, PhD Email: jeason@lsuhsc.edu Address: 433 Bolivar Street City: New Orleans State: Louisiana Zip: 70112 Phone: 504-568-4288 alliedhealth.lsuhsc.edu/pt/default.aspx
Contact:James Rauh, PT, ATC, ScD Email: james.rauh@Marist.edu Address: 3399 North Road, AH233 City: Poughkeepsie State: New York Zip: 12601-3586 Phone: 845-575-4714 www.marist.edu/science/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Dr. Allison Hyngstrom PT,PhD Email: allison.hyngstrom@marquette.edu Address: 1250 W. Wisconsin Avenue City: Milwaukee State: Wisconsin Zip: 53233 Phone: 414-288-5759 www.marquette.edu/explore/major-physical-therapy.php
Contact:D. Scott Davis, PT, EdD, OCS Email: davis1090@marshall.edu Address: 2847 5th Avenue City: Huntington State: West Virginia Zip: 25702 Phone: 304-696-5614 www.marshall.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Catherine Turner PT, DPT, PhD Email: clturner@marybaldwin.edu Address: 100 Baldwin Boulevard City: Fishersville State: Virginia Zip: 22939 Phone: 540.887.4317 www.marybaldwin.edu/health-sciences/school-of-health-human-performance/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Jennifer Donovan, PT Email: skye.donovan@marymount.edu Address: 2807 N. Glebe Road City: Arlington State: Virginia Zip: 22207 marymount.edu/academics/health-sciences/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT, PhD Email: jheitzman@maryville.edu Address: 650 Maryville University Drive City: St. Louis State: Missouri Zip: 63141 Phone: (314) 529-9563 www.maryville.edu/hp/doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Elizabeth Fuller, PT, EdD Email: betsy.fuller@mcphs.edu Address: 10 Lincoln Square City: Worcester State: Massachusetts Zip: 01608 Phone: 508-373-5706 www.mcphs.edu/academics/school-of-physical-therapy/physical-therapy/physical-therapy-dpt
Contact:John H. Hollman, PT, PhD Email: hollman.john@mayo.edu Address: 200 First Street SW City: Rochester State: Minnesota Zip: 55905 Phone: 507-284-9547 college.mayo.edu/academics/health-sciences-education/physical-therapy-doctoral-program-minnesota/
Contact:Megan Donaldson PT, PhD, FAAOMPT Email: donaldsm@musc.edu Address: 169 Ashley Avenue City: Charleston State: South Carolina Zip: 29403 Phone: 843-792-5036 chp.musc.edu/academics/physical-therapy
Contact:Tambre Phillips PT, EdD, DPT Email: phillips_t@mercer.edu Address: 3001 Mercer University Drive, 100 Davis Building City: Atlanta State: Georgia Zip: 30341 Phone: (678) 547-6247 https://chp.mercer.edu/academics-and-departments/physical-therapy/dpt-program/
Contact:Ruth Hansen, MS, DPT, PhD, Email: RLhansen@mercy.edu Address: 555 Broadway City: Dobbs Ferry State: New York Zip: 10522-1186 Phone: 914-674-7824 www.mercy.edu/academics/programs/physical-therapy
Contact:Karl Bergmann, PT, ScD, COMT, CSCS Email: GradPrograms@messiah.edu Address: One University Avenue City: Mechanicsburg State: Pennsylvania Zip: 17055 Phone: 717-796-5061 www.messiah.edu/info/22833/physical_therapy_dpt
Contact:Stacia Hall Thompson, PT, DPT Email: shall@methodist.edu Address: 5400 Ramsey St. City: Fayetteville State: North Carolina Zip: 28311 Phone: (910) 630-7216 www.methodist.edu/dpt/
Contact:Keshire Naidoo, PT, DPT Email: knaidoo@mghihp.edu Address: 36 1st Avenue City: Boston State: Massachusetts Zip: 02129 Phone: 6177244848 www.mghihp.edu/overview/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Byron Russell, PT, PhD Email: brusse@midwestern.edu Address: 19555 N. 59th Avenue City: Glendale State: Arizona Zip: 85308 Phone: 623-572-3923 www.midwestern.edu/academics/degrees-and-programs/doctor-of-physical-therapy-az.xml
Contact:Bhupinder Singh PhD, PT Email: bsingh@midwestern.edu Address: 555 31st Street City: Downers Grove State: Illinois Zip: 60515 Phone: 630-515-6462 www.midwestern.edu/academics/degrees-and-programs/doctor-of-physical-therapy-il.xml
Contact:Kristen Karnish PT, EdD, MPH Email: kkarnish@misericordia.edu Address: 301 Lake Street City: Dallas State: Pennsylvania Zip: 18612-1008 Phone: (570) 674-6465 www.misericordia.edu/physical-therapy
Contact:Jeanne Lyn Cook, PT, PhD, CEEAA Email: Jcook@missouristate.edu Address: 901 S. National Avenue City: Springfield State: Missouri Zip: 65897 Phone: 417-836-4451 www.missouristate.edu/PhysicalTherapy/
Contact:Kimberly D. Wynarczuk PT, DPT, PhD, MPH, CHES Email: wynarczukk@moravian.edu Address: 1441 Schoenersville Road; Room 267 City: Bethlehem State: Pennsylvania Zip: 18018 Phone: 610-625-7217 www.moravian.edu/rehab/physical-therapy-dpt
Contact:Lisa R Dehner PT,PhD,CEEAA Email: lisa.dehner@msj.edu Address: 5701 Delhi Rd. City: Cincinnati State: Ohio Zip: 45233 Phone: 513-244-4509 www.msj.edu/academics/graduate-programs/doctor-of-physical-therapy/index.html
Contact:Deborah Lynn Lowe, PT, PhD Email: dlowe@msmc.la.edu Address: 10 Chester Place City: Los Angeles State: California Zip: 90007-2598 Phone: 213-477-2601 www.msmc.la.edu
Contact:Mary Ellen Vore, PT Email: mvore9@naz.edu Address: 4245 East Avenue City: Rochester State: New York Zip: 14618 Phone: 585-389-2906 www2.naz.edu/academics/physical-therapy-degree-program
Contact:Scott A. Biely, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, MTC Email: bielys@neumann.edu Address: 1 Neumann Drive City: Aston State: Pennsylvania Zip: 19014 Phone: 610-361-5233 www.neumann.edu/academics/grad/therapy/index.asp
Contact:Cheryl Hall PT,DHS,PCS Email: chall@nyit.edu Address: 700 Northern Blvd. City: Old Westbury State: New York Zip: 11568 Phone: 516-686-7651 www.nyit.edu/degrees/physical_therapy
Contact:Michael J. Majsak, PT, EdD Email: michael_majsak@nymc.edu Address: 40 Sunshine Cottage Road City: Valhalla State: New York Zip: 10595 Phone: 914-594-4915 www.nymc.edu/school-of-health-sciences-and-practice-shsp/shsp-academics/degrees/doctor-of-physical-therapy-dpt/
Contact:Wen Ling, PT, PhD Email: wkl1@nyu.edu Address: 380 2nd Avenue, Floor 4 City: New York State: New York Zip: 10012 Phone: 212-998-9409 steinhardt.nyu.edu/departments/physical-therapy
Contact:Sara Scholtes, PT, DPT, PhD Email: sscholtes@noctrl.edu Address: 30 N. Brainard St. City: Naperville State: Illinois Zip: 60540 Phone: 630-637-5835 www.northcentralcollege.edu/program/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Pamela Donlan, PT, DPT, EdD, CLT/LANA Email: p.donlan@northeastern.edu Address: 360 Huntington Avenue, 301M RB City: Boston State: Massachusetts Zip: 02115 Phone: 617-373-5193 https://bouve.northeastern.edu/programs/post-baccalaureate-physical-therapy-dpt/
Contact:Patricia Pohl, PT, PhD Email: patricia.pohl@nau.edu Address: 208 E Pine Knoll Drive PO Box 15105 City: Flagstaff State: Arizona Zip: 86011 Phone: (518) 244-2056 nau.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Rosanne Thomas PT, PhD Email: Rthomas4@niu.edu Address: Northern Illinois University City: Dekalb State: Illinois Zip: 60115 Phone: 8157531383 www.chhs.niu.edu/ahcd/programs/physical-therapy/index.shtml
Contact:Julius Dewald, PT, PhD Email: j-dewald@northwestern.edu Address: 645 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 City: Chicago State: Illinois Zip: 60611-2877 Phone: 312-908-6788 www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/sites/pthms/our-programs/index.html
Contact:Jennifer M. Canbek, PT, NCS Email: canbek@nova.edu Address: 3301 College Avenue City: Fort Lauderdale State: Florida Zip: 33314 Phone: 954-262-1967 healthsciences.nova.edu/academics/overview/physical-therapy-programs/index.html
Contact:Shari Rone-Adams, PT, MHSA, DBA Email: srone@nova.edu Address: NSU Tampa DPT Program 3400 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. City: Clearwater State: Florida Zip: 33759 Phone: (954) 262-1740 www.nova.edu/tampa/dpt-physical-therapy.html
Contact:Sara Arena PT, MS, DScPT Email: arena@oakland.edu Address: 2200 N. Squirrel Road City: Rochester State: Michigan Zip: 48309 Phone: 248-370-4041 www.oakland.edu/shs/human-movement/physical-therapy-doctorate/
Contact:Brooke Vaughan, PT, PhD Email: vaughanb@ohio.edu Address: 1 Ohio University City: Athens State: Ohio Zip: 45701 Phone: 740-593-1210 www.ohio.edu/chsp/rehab/physical-therapy
Contact:Maria Jones, Clinical Professor and Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Academic Affairs Email: mjones1@okcu.edu Address: 2501 N Blackwelder City: Oklahoma City State: Oklahoma Zip: 73106-1493 Phone: (405) 208-6276 www.okcu.edu/doctor-physical-therapy/home
Contact:Archana Vatwani PT, DPT, EdD, MBA Email: avatwani@odu.edu Address: 4608 Hampton Blvd. City: Norfolk State: Virginia Zip: 23529 Phone: 757-683-4464 www.odu.edu/academics/programs/doctoral/physical-therapy
Contact:Jacklyn H. Brechter, PT, DPT, PhD Email: jacki.Brechter@oit.edu Address: 3201 Campus Drive City: Klamath Falls State: Oregon Zip: 97601 Phone: 541-851-5052 https://www.oit.edu/academics/degrees/physical-therapy
Contact:Peggy R. Trueblood, PT, PhD Email: ptrueblood@pnwu.edu Address: 111 University Parkway, Suite 202 City: Yakima State: Washington Zip: 98901 Phone: 509-452-5100 www.pnwu.edu/academics/sopt/
Contact:Lance Gerber PT, DPT, EdD Email: dgerber@pacificu.edu Address: 2043 College Way City: Forest Grove State: Oregon Zip: 97116 Phone: (503) 352-7377 www.pacificu.edu/academics/colleges/college-health-professions/school-physical-therapy-athletic-training/physical-therapy
Contact:Ruth Maher, PT, PhD, DPT, WCS Email: ptinfo@pcom.edu Address: 625 Old Peachtree Road NW City: Suwanee State: Georgia Zip: 30024 www.pcom.edu/academics/programs-and-degrees/physical-therapy/
Contact:Tracy Wall Email: tracy.wall@quinnipiac.edu Address: Mt Carmel Ave. City: Hamden State: Connecticut Zip: 06518 Phone: 203-582-8212 www.qu.edu/schools/health-sciences/programs/dual-degree/bs-in-health-science-studies-doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Kevin Chui, PT, DPT, PhD Email: kchui@Radford.edu Address: 101 Elm Avenue City: Roanoke State: Virginia Zip: 24013 Phone: 540-831-1880 https://www.radford.edu/waldron-college-health-human-services/physical-therapy-department/index.html
Contact:Heidi Eigsti PT, PhD, PCS Email: heigsti@regis.edu Address: 3333 Regis Blvd., G-4 City: Denver State: Colorado Zip: 80221-1099 Phone: 303-458-4268 www.regis.edu/academics/majors-and-programs/graduate/physical-therapy-dpt
Contact:Kay Cooper, PhD, MSc Physiotherapy, BSc Physiotherapy Email: k.cooper@rgu.ac.uk Address: Garthdee House, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK State: Phone: 01224 262677 www.rgu.ac.uk/study/courses/958-dpt-doctorate-of-physiotherapy
Contact:Brian McKiernan, PT, PhD Email: brian.mckiernan@rockhurst.edu Address: 1100 Rockhurst Road City: Kansas City State: Missouri Zip: 64110 Phone: (816) 501-4059 www.rockhurst.edu/physical-therapy
Contact:Steven G. Wilkinson, PT, PhD Email: steve.wilkinson@rm.edu Address: 561 E. 1860 S. City: Provo State: Utah Zip: 84606 Phone: 801-734-6846 rm.edu/academics/doctor-of-physical-therapy-entry-level/
Contact:Matthew Nuciforo, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT Email: matthew.nuciforo@rosalindfranklin.edu Address: 3333 N. Green Bay Road City: North Chicago State: Illinois Zip: 60064 Phone: 847-578-8431 www.rosalindfranklin.edu/academics/college-of-health-professions/degree-programs/doctor-of-physical-therapy-dpt/
Contact:Erin Elkins PT, DPT, EdD Email: westee@sage.edu Address: 65 1st Street City: Troy State: New York Zip: 12180 Phone: (518) 244-2449 www.sage.edu/academics/programs/physical-therapy/
Contact:Nancy R. Kirsch, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA Email: kirschna@shp.rutgers.edu Address: 57 US Highway 1 City: New Brunswick State: New Jersey Zip: 08901-8554 Phone: (973)972-2371 rudpt43.rutgers.edu/
Contact:Donna M Bowers, PT, DPT, MPH, PCS Email: bowersd@sacredheart.edu Address: 5151 Park Avenue City: Fairfield State: Connecticut Zip: 06825 Phone: 203-396-8030 www.sacredheart.edu/majors--programs/physical-therapy---dpt/
Contact:Jessica Cammarata PT, EdD, NCS Email: jcammarata@francis.edu Address: 117 Evergreen Drive City: Loretto State: Pennsylvania Zip: 15940 Phone: 814-472-3123 www.francis.edu/Physical-Therapy/
Contact:Eric Folkins PT, DPT, DHS Email: efolkins@sju.edu Address: 600 South 43rd Street City: Philadelphia State: Pennsylvania Zip: 19104 Phone: 215-596-8677 https://www.sju.edu/departments/physical-therapy
Contact:Lisa Dorsey, Ph.D., M.B.A., PT Email: lisa.dorsey@health.slu.edu Address: 221 N. Grand Blvd. City: St. Louis State: Missouri Zip: 63108 Phone: 314-977-8551 catalog.slu.edu/colleges-schools/health-sciences/physical-therapy-athletic-training/physical-therapy-program/
Contact:Prisca Collins PT, PhD Email: pcollin3@samford.edu Address: 800 Lakeshore Dr City: Homewood State: Alabama Zip: 35229 Phone: 205 726-4062 www.samford.edu/healthprofessions/doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Sharon Gorman PT, DPTSc Email: sgorman@samuelmerritt.edu Address: 450 30th Street, Suite 3728 City: Oakland State: California Zip: 94609 Phone: 510-869-6241 www.samuelmerritt.edu/programs/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Mitchel J. Rauh, PT, PhD, MPH, FACSM Email: mrauh@mail.sdsu.edu Address: 5500 Campanile Dr. City: San Diego State: California Zip: 92182 Phone: (619) 594-3706 ens.sdsu.edu/dpt/
Contact:Richard Johnson PT, EdD Email: richard.johnson2@shu.edu Address: 400 S. Orange Avenue City: South Orange State: New Jersey Zip: 07079-2697 Phone: 973-275-2800 www.shu.edu/academics/doctor-physical-therapy.cfm
Contact:Craig Ruby Email: cruby@setonhill.edu Address: 1 Seton Hill Drive City: Greensburg State: Pennsylvania Zip: 15601 Phone: (800) 826-6234 www.setonhill.edu/academics/graduate-programs/physical-therapy-dpt/
Contact:Sheri Hale, PT, PhD, ATC Email: sah193@alumni.psu.edu Address: 1460 University Drive City: Winchester State: Virginia Zip: 22601 Phone: 540-869-7485 www.su.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Justin A. Beebe, PT, PhD Email: beebe@simmons.edu Address: 300 The Fenway City: Boston State: Massachusetts Zip: 02115 Phone: 617-521-2029 www.simmons.edu/graduate/academic-programs/graduate-and-certificate-programs/physical-therapy
Contact:Mary Ann Holbein-Jenny, PT, DPT, PhD Email: maryann.holbein@sru.edu Address: 1 Morrow Way School of Physical Therapy Room 204, PT Building City: Slippery Rock State: Pennsylvania Zip: 16057 Phone: 724-738-2907 www.sru.edu/academics/graduate-programs/physical-therapy-doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Alex Koszaslinski PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT Email: akoszalinski@south.edu Address: 400 Goody's Lane City: Knoxville State: Tennessee Zip: 37909 www.south.edu/programs/school-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Christina Odeh Email: codeh@south.edu Address: 2600 Century Parkway NE City: Atlanta State: Georgia Zip: 30345 Phone: 470.322.1200 www.south.edu/programs/doctor-physical-therapy-atlanta/
Contact:Josh Laymon, DPT, PhD Email: pt@sbuniv.edu Address: 1600 University Avenue City: Bolivar State: Missouri Zip: 65613 Phone: (417) 328-1472 www.sbuniv.edu/academics/programs/physical-therapy.php
Contact:Jason Ashby, PT, ScD Email: jashby@spalding.edu Address: 812 S 2nd St City: Louisville State: Kentucky Zip: 40203 Phone: 440-554-5849 spalding.edu/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Regina Kaufman PT, EdD Email: rkaufman@springfieldcollege.edu Address: 263 Alden Street City: Springfield State: Massachusetts Zip: 01109-3788 Phone: 413-748-3590 springfield.edu/programs/physical-therapy
Contact:Michael Puthoff, PT, PhD Email: puthoffmichaell@sau.edu Address: 518 W. Locust Street City: Davenport State: Iowa Zip: 52803 Phone: 563-333-6009 www.sau.edu/doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Jennifer Biggs PhD Email: Jennifer Biggs PhD Address: 2004 Randolph Avenue City: St. Paul State: Minnesota Zip: 55105 Phone: 651-690-7825 www.stkate.edu/academics/academic-programs/gc-physical-therapy
Contact:Rosa Torres-Panchame Email: torrespr@stjohns.edu PT, DPT Address: 8000 Utopia Parkway City: Queens State: New York Zip: 11439 Phone: (718) 990-8457 www.stjohns.edu/academics/programs/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Joanne Katz, PT, DPT, PhD Email: joanne.katz@downstate.edu Address: 450 Clarkson Ave, Box 16 City: Brooklyn State: New York Zip: 11203 Phone: 718-270-7718 www.downstate.edu/health-professions/pt/index.html
Contact:Adam Rufa PT, PhD Email: rufaa@upstate.edu Address: 750 E. Adams Street City: Syracuse State: New York Zip: 13210 Phone: 315-464-6982 www.upstate.edu/chp/programs/pt/
Contact:Patricia Quinn McGinnis, PT, PhD Email: bkathrins@stockton.edu Address: 101 Vera King Farris Drive City: Galloway State: New Jersey Zip: 08205-9441 Phone: 609-652-1776 stockton.edu/graduate/physical-therapy.html
Contact:Daniel Lee PT, DPT, PhD Email: daniel.lee.8@stonybrook.edu Address: 100 Nicolls Road City: Stony Brook State: New York Zip: 11790 Phone: 631-444-8394 healthtechnology.stonybrookmedicine.edu/programs/pt
Contact:Michael Buck Email: mbuck@binghamton.edu Address: 4400 Vestal Pkwy City: Binghamton State: New York Zip: 13902 Phone: 607.777.2000 www.binghamton.edu/decker/physical-therapy/about/index.html
Contact:Tamara Gravano PT, DPT, EdD, PNAP, CEEAA Email: tamara.gravano@temple.edu Address: 301 Cecil B Moore Ritter Annex, 6th Floor City: Philadelphia State: Pennsylvania Zip: 19122 Phone: 215-204-9067 www.temple.edu/academics/degree-programs/physical-therapy-dpt-hp-phth-dpt
Contact:Patricia (Trish) M. King, PT, PhD, FAAOMPT Email: pking5@tnstate.edu Address: 3500 John A Merritt Blvd City: Nashville State: Tennessee Zip: 37209 Phone: 615-963-5932 www.tnstate.edu/pt/
Contact:Janet Bezner PT, DPT, PhD Email: jb25@txstate.edu Address: Willow Hall, Room 105, 200 Bobcat Way City: Round Rock State: Texas Zip: 78665 Phone: (512) 716-2652 www.health.txstate.edu/pt/
Contact:Kerry Kristopher Gilbert, PT, ScD, COMT Email: kerry.gilbert@ttuhsc.edu Address: 3601 4th Street # 2B106 City: Lubbock State: Texas Zip: 79430 Phone: 806-743-2958 www.ttuhsc.edu/health-professions/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Alyssa Fiss PT, PHD Email: AFiss@twu.edu Address: 5500 Southwestern Medical Avenue City: Dallas State: Texas Zip: 75235 Phone: (214) 689-7700 twu.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Dalerie Lieberz, PT, DPT, PhD Email: dlieberz@css.edu Address: 940 Woodland Avenue City: Duluth State: Minnesota Zip: 55812 Phone: 218-625-4480 www.css.edu/graduate/masters-doctoral-and-professional-programs/areas-of-study/doctor-of-physical-therapy-(dpt).html
Contact:Marisa Birkmeier, PT, PhD Email: mbirkmei@email.gwu.edu Address: 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 2000 City: Washington State: District of Columbia Zip: 20006 Phone: 202-994-0056 smhs.gwu.edu/physical-therapy/dpt-program
Contact:John A Buford, PT, PhD Email: buford.5@osu.edu Address: 516E Atwell Hall, 453 W 10th Ave. City: Columbus State: Ohio Zip: 43210 Phone: 614-688-3483 hrs.osu.edu/academics/graduate-programs/clinical-doctorate-in-physical-therapy
Contact:Jennifer Christy PT,PhD Email: jbraswel@uab.edu Address: 1720 2nd Avenue South, SHPB 346 City: Birmingham State: Alabama Zip: 35294 Phone: 205-934-5903 www.uab.edu/shp/pt
Contact:Joyce Lammers PT, MHS, PhD Email: lammers@findlay.edu Address: 1000 N. Main Street City: Findlay State: Ohio Zip: 45840 Phone: (419) 434-5778 www.findlay.edu/health-professions/physical-therapy/
Contact:Richard K. Shields, PT, PhD, FAPTA Email: richard-shields@uiowa.edu Address: 1252 Medical Education Building City: Iowa City State: Iowa Zip: 52242-1190 Phone: 319-335-9803 medicine.uiowa.edu/pt/
Contact:Kevin E. Brueilly , PT, PhD Email: kevin.brueilly@mso.umt.edu Address: School of Physical Therapy, Skaggs 135, 32 Campus Drive City: Missoula State: Montana Zip: 59812 Phone: 406-243-5190 health.umt.edu/physicaltherapy/
Contact:Laurie Ray DPT Email: laurie_ray@med.unc.edu Address: Division of Physical Therapy 3032 Bondurant Hall, CB# 7135 City: Chapel Hill State: North Carolina Zip: 27599-7135 Phone: (919) 966-4708 www.med.unc.edu/ahs/physical/
Contact:Nancy Fell, PT, PhD, NCS Emeritus Email: Nancy-Fell@utc.edu Address: 615 Mccallie Avenue City: Chattanoga State: Tennessee Zip: 37403 Phone: 423-425-2240 new.utc.edu/health-education-and-professional-studies/physical-therapy
Contact:R. Barry Dale PT, PhD Email: rbdale@uthsc.edu Address: 930 Madison Avenue City: Memphis State: Tennessee Zip: 38163 Phone: (901) 448-5888 uthsc.edu/health-professions/physical-therapy/index.php
Contact:Gregory Ernst, PT, PhD, ECS, SCS Email: ernstg@uthscsa.edu Address: 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, Mail Code 6247 City: San Antonio State: Texas Zip: 78229 Phone: 210-567-8750 www.uthscsa.edu/academics/health-professions/programs/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Justine Dee PT, PhD Email: justine.dee@jefferson.edu Address: 111 S. 11th Street City: Philadelphia State: Pennsylvania Zip: 19107 Phone: (215) 503-6387 www.jefferson.edu/academics/colleges-schools-institutes/rehabilitation-sciences/departments/physical-therapy.html
Contact:Jill S. Horbacewicz, PT, PhD Email: jillh@touro.edu Address: 27-33 W 23rd Street City: New York State: New York Zip: 10010 Phone: 212-463-0400 ext. 5678 shs.touro.edu/programs/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Steven Liaos DSc, DPT Email: sliaos@touro.edu Address: 874 Amercian Pacific Drive City: Henderson State: Nevada Zip: 89014 Phone: (702) 777-3051 tun.touro.edu/programs/physical-therapy/
Contact:Max Baumgartner, PT, PhD Email: baumgartnerm@trine.edu Address: 1819 Carew Street City: Fort Wayne State: Indiana Zip: 46748 Phone: 260-203-2901 www.trine.edu/academics/majors-degrees/graduate/doctor-physical-therapy/
Contact:Alexis Wright PT, PhD, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT Email: Alexis.wright@tufts.edu Address: 136 Harrison Ave. City: Boston State: Massachusetts Zip: 02111-1817 Phone: (617) 636-3635 medicine.tufts.edu/dpt
Contact:Tawna Wilkinson, PT, DPT, PhD Email: tawna.wilkinson@tufts.edu Address: 101 E. Washington St., Suite 950 City: Phoenix State: Arizona Zip: 85004 Phone: 617-636-3973 medicine.tufts.edu/academics/physical-therapy
Contact:Evan Papa, PT, DPT, PhD Email: Evan.Papa@tufts.edu Address: 136 Harrison Ave City: Boston, MA State: Massachusetts Zip: 02111-1817 Phone: 617-636-4056 https://medicine.tufts.edu/admissions-financial-aid/admission-program/doctor-physical-therapy/dpt-seattle
Contact:Kirk Personius, PT, PhD Email: kep7@buffalo.edu Address: 530 Kimball Tower City: Buffalo State: New York Zip: 14214 Phone: 716-829-6940 sphhp.buffalo.edu/rehabilitation-science/education/doctor-of-physical-therapy-dpt.html
Contact:Angel Holland, PT, DPT, EdD Email: ptprogram@uams.edu Address: 1125 N College Ave. City: Fayetteville State: Arkansas Zip: 72703-1908 Phone: (479)-713-8600 healthprofessions.uams.edu/programs/physical-therapy/
Contact:Amber Fitzsimmons, PT, MS, DPTSc Email: Amber.Fitzsimmons@ucsf.edu Address: 1500 Owens Street, Suite 400 City: San Francisco State: California Zip: 94158 Phone: 415-476-9449 ptrehab.ucsf.edu/ucsfsfsu-doctor-physical-therapy-dpt
Contact:Nancy B. Reese, PT, PhD, MHSA Email: nancyr@uca.edu Address: PTC Bldg Rm 303 201 N. Donaghey Avenue City: Conway State: Arkansas Zip: 72035-0001 Phone: 501-450-5548 uca.edu/pt/
Contact:Laurie Neely Pt, DPT Email: laurie.neely@ucf.edu Address: 4000 Central Florida Blvd. City: Orlando State: Florida Zip: 32816 Phone: 407-823-0611 healthprofessions.ucf.edu/physicaltherapy/
Contact:Chalee Engelhard Email: engelhcr@ucmail.uc.edu Address: 2600 Clifton Avenue City: Cincinnati State: Ohio Zip: 45221 Phone: 513-558-7482 www.uc.edu
Contact:Michael Harris-Love, PT, MPT, DSc, FGSA Email: Michael.Harris-Love@cuanschutz.edu Address: 13121 E. 17th Avenue City: Aurora State: Colorado Zip: 80045-2535 Phone: 303-724-9375 medschool.cuanschutz.edu/physical-therapy-program
Contact:Jeffrey Miles Kinsella-Shaw, PT, PhD Email: jeffrey.kinsella-shaw@uconn.edu Address: 115 N. Eagleville Road City: Storrs State: Connecticut Zip: 06269 Phone: 860-486-0047 physicaltherapy.cahnr.uconn.edu/
Contact:Mary Insana Fisher, PT, PhD, OCS Email: mary.fisher@udayton.edu Address: 300 College Park Avenue City: Dayton State: Ohio Zip: 45469-0001 Phone: 937-229-5617 udayton.edu/education/departments_and_programs/dpt/index.php
Contact:Darcy Reisman, PT, PhD Email: dreisman@udel.edu Address: 540 S College Avenue City: Newark State: Delaware Zip: 19713 Phone: (302) 831-0508 www.udel.edu/academics/colleges/chs/departments/pt/
Contact:Bethany Huebner, PT, DPT, SCS, MTC Email: bh212@evansville.edu Address: 515 Bob Jones Way City: Evansville State: Indiana Zip: 47708 Phone: 812-488-4062 www.evansville.edu
Contact:Mark Bishop, PT, PhD Email: bish@phhp.ufl.edu Address: PO Box 100154 HSC City: Gainesville State: Florida Zip: 32610 Phone: 352-273-6432 pt.phhp.ufl.edu/
Contact:Catherine M. E. Certo, PT, ScD, FAPTA Email: certo@hartford.edu Address: Department of Physical Therapy 196 Bloomfield Avenue City: Hartford State: Connecticut Zip: 06117 Phone: 860-768-5367 www.hartford.edu/academics/schools-colleges/enhp/academics/department-of-rehabilitation-sciences/doctor-of-physical-therapy.aspx
Contact:Stephanie A. Miller, PT, PhD Email: millers003@uindy.edu Address: 1400 E. Hanna Avenue City: Indianapolis State: Indiana Zip: 46227 Phone: 317-788-3523 uindy.edu/health-sciences/pt/
Contact:Sara Farquhar Voorhees, PT, PhD Email: SVoorhee@uj.edu Address: 4190 26th Avenue South City: Fargo State: North Dakota Zip: 58104 Phone: 701-356-2136 ext. 5903 www.uj.edu/prospective-students/graduate-students/doctor-of-physical-therapy
Contact:Patricia Kluding, PT, Email: pkluding@kumc.edu Address: 3901 Rainbow Blvd. City: Kansas City State: Kansas Zip: 66160 Phone: (913) 588-6918 www.kumc.edu/school-of-health-professions/physical-therapy-rehabilitation-science-and-athletic-training/doctor-of-physical-therapy.
Contact:Patrick Pabian, PT, PhD Email: patrick.pabian@uky.edu Address: 900 S. Limestone Room 123 City: Lexington State: Kentucky Zip: 40536-0001 Phone: 859-562-0787 www.uky.edu/chs/physical-therapy
Contact:W. Allen Moore, PT, PhD Email: moore.w@lynchburg.edu Address: 1501 Lakeside Drive City: Lynchburg State: Virginia Zip: 24501 Phone: 434-544-8100 www.lynchburg.edu/academics/college-of-health-sciences/doctor-of-physical-therapy/
Contact:Mary Kay Dockter, PT, PhD Email: mcdoc@umary.edu Address: 7500 University Drive City: Bismarck State: North Dakota Zip: 58504 Phone: 701-355-8045 www.umary.edu/academics/programs/doctorate-physical-therapy.php
Contact:Barbara Gresham, PT, PhD, GCS Email: bgresham@umhb.edu Address: 900 College Street, Box 8023 City: Belton State: Texas Zip: 76513 Phone: 254-295-4921 go.umhb.edu/graduate/physical-therapy/home
Contact:Victoria Marchese PT,PhD Email: vmarchese@som.umaryland.edu Address: 100 Penn Street University of Maryland City: Baltimore State: Maryland Zip: 21201 Phone: (410) 706-0841 pt.umaryland.edu/
Contact:Michael Rabel, PT, MPT, DSc Email: mcrabel@umes.edu Address: Hazel Hall 2nd Floor, Suite 2093 City: Princess Anne, MD State: Maryland Zip: 21853 Phone: 410-651-6360 www.umes.edu
Contact:David J. Cornell, PT, DPT, PhD, CSCS, FACSM Email: David_Cornell@uml.edu Address: University Crossing, Suite 420, 220 Pawtucket St. City: Lowell State: Massachusetts Zip: 01854-2874 Phone: 978-934-3125 www.uml.edu/Health-Sciences/PT/
Contact:Neva Kirk-Sanchez, PT, PhD Email: nkirksanchez@miami.edu Address: 5915 Ponce De Leon Blvd Fl 5 City: Coral Gables State: Florida Zip: 33146 Phone: 305-284-4535 med.miami.edu/departments/physical-therapy/education/dpt-program
Contact:Jennifer Blackwood, PT, PhD Email: jblackwo@umich.edu Address: Physical Therapy Department 2157 WSW Building 303 East Kearsley Street City: Flint State: Michigan Zip: 48502 Phone: (810) 424-5512 www.umflint.edu/graduateprograms/physical-therapy-entry-level-dpt/
Contact:Paula Ludewig, PT, PhD Email: ludew001@umn.edu Address: MMC 384 420 Delaware Street SE City: Minneapolis State: Minnesota Zip: 55455-0341 Phone: (612) 626-2746 med.umn.edu/rehabmedicine/about/divisions/physical-therapy/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Melanie Lauderdale, PT, DPT, EdD Email: mlauderdale@umc.edu Address: 2500 N. State Street City: Jackson State: Mississippi Zip: 39216 Phone: 601-984-6330 www.umc.edu/shrp/Physical%20Therapy/Physical-Therapy.html
Contact:Kyle Gibson, PT, PhD, OCS Email: gibsonk@health.missouri.edu Address: 319 Jesse Hall City: Columbia State: Montana Zip: 65211 Phone: 578-882-2121 healthprofessions.missouri.edu/physical-therapy-program/
Contact:Sheryl Holt, PT, PhD Email: holtsl@mountunion.edu Address: 1972 Clark Ave, City: Alliance State: Ohio Zip: 4460 Phone: (330) 823-4786 www.mountunion.edu/physical-therapy
Contact:Betsy Becker, PT, DPT, PhD, CLT-LANA Email: betsyj.becker@unmc.edu Address: 42nd and Emile Street City: Omaha State: Nebraska Zip: 68198 Phone: 402-559-5053 www.unmc.edu/alliedhealth/education/pt/
Contact:Merril Landers, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS Email: merril.landers@unlv.edu Address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway City: Las Vegas State: Nevada Zip: 89119 Phone: 702-895-1377 www.unlv.edu/pt
Contact:Sally McCormack Tutt PT, DPT, MPH, EdD Email: smccormack@une.edu Address: 716 Stevens Avenue City: Portland State: Maine Zip: 04103 Phone: 207-221-4591 www.une.edu/wchp/pt/doctor-pt
Contact:Beth Jones Email: BMJones@salud.unm.edu Address: HSSB Rm 204B, MSC09 5230 City: Albuquerque State: New Mexico Zip: 87131-0001 Phone: 505-272-6850 hsc.unm.edu/medicine/departments/ortho-rehab/physical-therapy/
Contact:David Relling, PT Email: david.relling@med.und.edu Address: 501 N Columbia Road Stop 9037 City: Grand Forks State: North Dakota Zip: 58202 Phone: 701-777-2831 med.und.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Beven P. Livingston PhD, PT, ATC Email: b.livingston@unf.edu Address: 1 UNF Drive City: Jacksonville State: Florida Zip: 32224 Phone: 904-620-2685 www.unf.edu/brooks/pds/Physical_Therapy.aspx
Contact:Sue Klappa PT, MPT, PhD, MA Email: susan.klappa@ung.edu Address: 159 Sunset Drive, HNS 468 City: Dahlonega State: Georgia Zip: 30597 Phone: 706-864-1899 ung.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Myla Quiben, PT, PhD, DPT, MS, GCS, NCS Email: Myla.Quiben@unthsc.edu Address: Physical Therapy Department 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd. City: Fort Worth State: Texas Zip: 76107-2644 Phone: 817.735.2980 www.unthsc.edu/school-of-health-professions/physical-therapy/
Contact:Denise Gaffigan Bender, PT, JD Email: denise-bender@ouhsc.edu Address: 1100 N. Lindsey Avenue City: Oklahoma City State: Oklahoma Zip: 73104 Phone: 405-271-2131 ext. 47129 alliedhealth.ouhsc.edu/Prospective-Students/Academic-Programs/Doctor-of-Physical-Therapy-DPT-
Contact:David M. Wert PhD, PT Email: dmw29@pitt.edu Address: Department of Physical Therapy Bridgeside Point I 100 Technology Drive, Ste 210 City: Pittsburg State: Pennsylvania Zip: 15219 Phone: 412-383-5397 www.shrs.pitt.edu/pt
Contact:Holly Roberts, PT, PhD Email: hjroberts@pugetsound.edu Address: 1500 N. Warner #1030 City: Tacoma State: Washington Zip: 98416 Phone: 253-879-3531 https://www.pugetsound.edu/academics/school-physical-therapy
Contact:Peter Blanpied, PhD, PT, OCS, FAAOMPT Email: blanpied@uri.edu Address: 25 West Independence Way City: Kingstown State: Rhode Island Zip: 02881 Phone: 401-874-4065 web.uri.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Jamie Dehan Email: jamie.dehan@stmary.edu Address: 4100 South 4th Street City: Leavenworth State: Kansas Zip: 66048 Phone: 913-758-6106 www.stmary.edu/dpt
Contact:Janette Scardillo PT, DPT, CBIS Email: janette.scardillo@scranton.edu Address: 800 Linden Street City: Scranton State: Pennsylvania Zip: 18510 Phone: 570-941-4832 www.scranton.edu/academics/pcps/physicaltherapy/
Contact:R. Barry Dale, PT, PhD, OCS, SCS, ATC, CSCS Email: rbdale@southalabama.edu Address: 307 UniversityBlvd. HAHN Room 2011 City: Mobile State: Alabama Zip: 36688 Phone: 251-445-9330 www.southalabama.edu/colleges/alliedhealth/pt/
Contact:Stacy Lynne Fritz, PT, PhD Email: sfritz@mailbox.sc.edu Address: Lincoln Street City: Columbia State: South Carolina Zip: 29208 Phone: 803-777-7000 www.sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/public_health/study/areas_of_study/physical_therapy/index.php
Contact:Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD Email: Patti.Berg@usd.edu Address: 414 E. Clark Street City: Vermillion State: South Dakota Zip: 57069-2307 Phone: (605) 658-6366 www.usd.edu/health-sciences/physical-therapy
Contact:Douglas E. Haladay, PT, DPT, PhD, MHS, OCS, CSCS Email: dhaladay@health.usf.edu Address: 4202 E. Fowler Avenue City: Tampa State: Florida Zip: 33620 Phone: 813-974-1971 health.usf.edu/medicine/dpt
Contact:James Gordon PT, EdD, FAPTA Email: jamesgor@usc.edu Address: The University of Southern California City: Los Angeles State: California Zip: 90033 Phone: 323-442-1538 dpt.usc.edu/
Contact:Manuel (Tony) Domenech, PT, DPT, MS, EdD Email: tdomenech@usa.edu Address: 5401 La Crosse Avenue City: Austin State: Texas Zip: 78739 Phone: 512-394-9766, ext. 3147 www.usa.edu/college-of-rehabilitative-sciences/doctor-physical-therapy/
Contact:Jim Mathews, PT, DPT, PhD Email: jmathews@usa.edu Address: 700 Windy Point Way City: San Marcos State: California Zip: 92069-1701 Phone: 760-410-5307 www.usa.edu/college-of-rehabilitative-sciences/doctor-physical-therapy/
Contact:Beth Ennis, PT, EdD Email: bennis@usa.edu Address: 1 University Blvd St. City: St. Augustine State: Florida Zip: 32086 Phone: (904) 770-3645 www.usa.edu/college-of-rehabilitative-sciences/doctor-physical-therapy/
Contact:Thomas P. Werner, PT, MA, PhD Email: twerner@usa.edu Address: 5010 Riverside Drive, Suite 120 City: Irving State: Texas Zip: 75039 Phone: (469) 498-5740 www.usa.edu/college-of-rehabilitative-sciences/physical-therapy-programs/
Contact:Candace Bahner, PT, DPT, MS Email: candy.bahner@stmary.edu Address: Department of Physical Therapy 4100 S. 4th Street City: Leavenworth State: Kansas Zip: 66048 Phone: 919-758-6190 www.stmary.edu/DPT
Contact:Dr. Alvaro N Gurovich, PT, PhD, FACSM Email: agurovich@utep.edu Address: 500 W. University Avenue City: El Paso State: Texas Zip: 79968 Phone: 915-747-8215 www.utep.edu/chs/pt/
Contact:Ross Querry, PT, PhD Email: ross.querry@utsouthwestern.edu Address: 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. City: Dallas State: Texas Zip: 75235 Phone: 214-648-3111 www.utsouthwestern.edu/education/school-of-health-professions/programs/physical-therapy/
Contact:Vicki LaFay, PT, DPT, PhD Email: physicaltherapy@ucumberlands.edu Address: 6178 College Stations Drive City: Williamsburg State: Kentucky Zip: 40769 Phone: 877-713-8767 www.ucumberlands.edu/doctor-physical-therapy
Contact:Stephen Goffar, PT, PhD Email: goffar@uiwtx.edu Address: 4301 Broadway, CPO 412 City: San Antonio State: Texas Zip: 78209 Phone: 210-283-6472 physical-therapy.uiw.edu/index.html
Contact:Lucinda Bouillon, DPT Email: lucinda.bouillon@utoledo.edu Address: 2801 W. Bancroft Street City: Toledo State: Ohio Zip: 53606 Phone: 419-530-6671 www.utoledo.edu/hhs/pt/
Contact:R. Scott Ward, PT, PhD, FAPTA Email: Scott.ward@hsc.utah.edu Address: 520 S. Wakara Way City: Salt Lake City State: Utah Zip: 84108 Phone: (801) 581-4895 health.utah.edu/physical-therapy-athletic-training/degree-programs/physical-therapy
Contact:Denise Peters, PT, DPT, PhD Email: denise.peters@med.uvm.edu Address: 306 C Rowell Building 106 Carrigan Ave City: Burlington State: Vermont Zip: 05405 Phone: 802-656-3252 www.uvm.edu/cnhs/rms/physical_therapy
Contact:Laura Johnstone, PT, MPT, PhD Email: lmj@uw.edu Address: 1959 NE Pacific Street PO Box 356490 City: Seattle State: Washington Zip: 98195 Phone: 206-598-5333 www.physicaltherapy.uw.edu/
Contact:Susan Wenker, PT, PhD Email: wenker@pt.wisc.edu Address: 5175 Medical Sciences Center City: Madison State: Wisconsin Zip: 53706-1510 Phone: (608) 263-7131 www.med.wisc.edu/education/physical-therapy-program/
Contact:Kathryn R Zalewski, PT, PhD, MPA Email: kzalewsk@uwsp.edu Address: 110D CPS, 1901 Fourth Avenue City: Stevens Point State: Wisconsin Zip: 54481-3897 Phone: 715/346-2535 www3.uwsp.edu/health/Pages/graduate/dpt.aspx
Contact:Wendy Huddleston PT, PhD Email: huddlest@uwm.edu Address: 2400 E. Hartford Ave. City: Milwaukee State: Wisconsin Zip: 53211 Phone: 414-229-3367 uwm.edu/healthsciences/academics/doctoral-physical-therapy/
Contact:Patrick Grabowski, PT, PhD Email: pgrabowski@uwlax.edu Address: 1725 State Street City: La Crosse State: Wisconsin Zip: 54601 Phone: 608-785-8000 www.uwlax.edu/grad/physical-therapy/
Contact:Ashraf Elazzazi, PT, PhD Email: aelazzazi@utica.edu Address: 1600 Burrstone Road City: Utica State: New York Zip: 13502 www.utica.edu/directory/physical-therapy-department
Contact:Janna McGaugh, PT, ScD, OCS, COMT Email: jamcgaug@utmb.edu Address: 301 University Blvd. City: Galveston State: Texas Zip: 77555 Phone: 409-772-3068 shp.utmb.edu/PhysicalTherapy/
Contact:Thomas P. Mayhew, PT, PhD, FAPTA Email: tmayhew@vcu.edu Address: 1111 W. Broad Street City: Richmond State: Virginia Zip: 23220 Phone: 804-628-2335 pt.chp.vcu.edu/
Contact:Christine McCallum, PT, PhD Email: cmccallum@walsh.edu Address: 2020 E. Maple Street North City: Canton State: Ohio Zip: 44720-3336 Phone: 330-490-7252 www.walsh.edu/doctorate-physical-therapy.html
Contact:Gammon Earhart, PT, PhD, FAPTA Email: earhartg@wustl.edu Address: Department of Physical Therapy 4444 Forest Park Blvd Campus Box 8502 City: Saint Louis State: Missouri Zip: 63108 Phone: 314-286-1407 pt.wustl.edu/
Contact:Sara Maher PT, DScPT, OMPT Email: sara.maher@wayne.edu Address: Physical Therapy Program 259 Mack Ave, Rm 2248 City: Detroit State: Michigan Zip: 48201 Phone: 313-577-1432 cphs.wayne.edu/physical-therapy/
Contact:Robert Nithman PT, DPT, PhD, GCS Email: bnithman@westcoastuniversity.edu Address: 590 N. Vermont Ave City: Los Angeles State: California Zip: 90004 Phone: 323-454-5068 www.westcoastuniversity.edu/programs/doctor-physical-therapy.html
Contact:Ivan Mulligan PhD, PT Email: ivan.mulligan@hsc.wvu.edu Address: 1550 University Avenue City: Morgantown State: West Virginia Zip: 26506 Phone: 304-293-3610 medicine.hsc.wvu.edu/pt
Contact:David Hudson, PT Email: dhudson@email.wcu.edu Address: 1 University Way City: Cullowhee State: North Carolina Zip: 28723 Phone: 828-227-2288 www.wcu.edu/learn/departments-schools-colleges/HHS/pt/
Contact:Elizabeth Norris Email: Elizabeth.norris@wku.edu Address: 1906 College Heights Blvd City: Bowling Green State: Kentucky Zip: 42101 Phone: 270-745-4070 www.wku.edu/physicaltherapy/
Contact:Amy Heath PT, DPT, PhD Email: amy.heath@wmich.edu Address: 1903 W. Michigan Ave City: Kalamazoo State: Michigan Zip: 49008-5383 wmich.edu/physicaltherapy
Contact:Harsha Deoghare PT, PhD Email: hdeoghare@westernu.edu Address: 450 E. Second St. City: Pomona State: California Zip: 91766 Phone: 909-469-5437 prospective.westernu.edu/health-sciences/dpt/
Contact:Sandra Saavedra , PT, PhD Email: ssaavedra@westernu.edu Address: 2665 S. Santiam Hwy City: Lebanon State: Oregon Zip: 97355 Phone: (541) 259-0476 www.westernu.edu/health-sciences/dpt-or/
Contact:Alison Kreger, PT, DPT, Ed.D. Email: (304)-243-2485 Address: 316 Washington Avenue City: Wheeling State: West Virginia Zip: 26003 Phone: 724-344-7244 wheeling.edu/academics/graduate/physical-therapy/about-the-dpt-program/
Contact:Carrie Clark Hawkins, PT, DPT, PhD Email: chawkins@whitworth.edu Address: 300 W Hawthorne Rd City: Spokane State: Washington Zip: 99251 Phone: 509.777.3377 www.whitworth.edu/dpt
Contact:M'Lisa Shelden PT,PhD Email: mlisa.shelden@wichita.edu Address: 1845 Fairmount Street City: Wichita State: Kansas Zip: 67260 Phone: 316-978-5780 www.wichita.edu/academics/health_professions/pt/
Contact:Adrienne Pinckney PT, DPT, PhD Email: anpinckney@widener.edu Address: One University Pl City: Chester State: Pennsylvania Zip: 19013 Phone: 610-499-1277 www.widener.edu/academics/graduate-studies/physical-therapy-dpt
Contact:Amy Parker PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, COMT, Cert. DN Email: AmParker@wmcarey.edu Address: 710 William Carey Parkway City: Hattiesburg State: Mississippi Zip: 39401 Phone: (601) 318-6560 www.wmcarey.edu/department/physical-therapy
Contact:Karen Friel, PT, DHS Email: k.friel@wingate.edu Address: Wingate University City: Wingate State: North Carolina Zip: 28174 Phone: 434-221-0090 www.wingate.edu/academics/graduate/physical-therapy
Contact:Judy Foxworth, PT, PhD, OCS Email: foxworthj@wssu.edu Address: 601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive City: Winston Salem State: North Carolina Zip: 27110 Phone: 336-750-2197 www.wssu.edu/academics/colleges-and-departments/school-of-health-sciences/department-of-physical-therapy/index.html
Contact:Nancy C. Landgraff, PT, PhD Email: nlandgraff@ysu.edu Address: 1 University Plaza City: Youngstown State: Ohio Zip: 44555 Phone: 330-941-2703 ysu.edu/academics/bitonte-college-health-and-human-services/physical-therapy-dpt
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APTA members who represent institutions of higher education located in the United States of America with a physical therapist education program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) may be designated as Council members by such an institution. The institution will be represented by one academic administrator or other designated full‐time core faculty member (as defined by CAPTE) in the program.
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