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Data & Reports

Welcome to ACAPT's data and reports hub. ACAPT is dedicated to providing its member institutions with information needed to identify trends and advance the growth in the academic physical therapy profession. The platforms and tools created to gather this information vary in topics such as the institutional profile survey, excellence framework, student and faculty engagement measure surveys, and more. The data and reports guide our members in their pursuit of excellence.

Visit ACAPT's Center of Excellence to learn more about ACAPT's data efforts.


Data & Reports


ACAPT Center for Excellence

The Center for Excellence published its 2024 Institutional Profile Survey data report in June 2024. This report and the Center's Excellence Framework for academic physical therapy are meant to be shared and discussed with faculty and clinical partners to identify your program's areas of strength and areas for growth.


ACAPT's Faculty and Student Engagement Measure surveys will be published soon.



Contact data@acapt.org to learn how to access the data or with any questions.

Check out the Center for Excellence in Academic Physical Therapy


ACAPT welcomes ideas & solutions to help meet the needs of DPT programs. Submit your suggestions for continuing education, professional development, guidelines, tools, best practices and more.

Center for Excellence in Physical Therapy Logo

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