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Member Representatives

Each ACAPT member institution must designate an ACAPT member representative each year when the institution pays dues.

The member rep may be:

  • A program director (or)
  • The program director may designate a full-time core faculty member, as defined by CAPTE.  Core faculty include directors of clinical education (DCEs).

Additional guidelines for member reps:

  • The member institution may change its member rep at any time by contacting acapt@acapt.org
  • Member institutions with more than one separately accredited physical therapist education program may have one member representative for each of those accredited physical therapist education programs.

ACAPT member rep responsibilities

Engage your full Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) department

  • Review & discuss any upcoming ACAPT motions with your entire DPT department - including faculty & clinical education sites - to solicit their input in your institution's final voting decisions.

  • Ensure your colleagues (including fellow DPT faculty and clinical site educators) create a free online profile at membersportal.acapt.org so they can all receive ACAPT Enews and take advantage of other member benefits including the Leadership Compass, membership directory and more.

  • Regularly discuss relevant ACAPT updates at your DPT department's staff meetings.  Review items from ACAPT emails, including ACAPT Enews.  Per above, you and your colleagues should sign up for emails in the Member Portal.

Run for board & nominating committee positions

Create motions, vote & attend meetings

  • Attend virtual town hall meetings when your ACAPT board member liaison invites you, along with your director of clinical education (DCE). We want to hear your ideas, questions and suggestions.
  • Attend all ACAPT business meetings, typically held in October during the Annual Physical Therapy Education Leadership Conference (ELC). Speak and debate.
  • Option to make or co-sponsor and second motions.
  • Vote on motions and for the ACAPT board of directors.
  • Designate an individual member of your ACAPT member institution with authority to act according to the above rights on behalf of the representative in his or her absence.
    • Delegation of authority of the ACAPT member representative to an individual member from the same institution must be submitted in writing to ACAPT by the representative of the member institution (or, in extenuating circumstances, by an administrative representative of the member institution) at least 1 week in advance of exercising a member institution’s right to representation or hand-carried by the delegate into a business meeting. 

Learn more about the roles, rights and responsibilities of representatives by reviewing our bylaws and standing rules.

Questions? Contact acapt@acapt.org.

Check out the Center for Excellence in Academic Physical Therapy


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