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Resource Committee

The main function of the Resource Committee will be to collect and aggregate exemplars of excellence for incorporation into an online repository that may be used for the adoption and implementation of best practices within academic physical therapy.

Charge:  The Resource Committee will collect and aggregate exemplars of excellence for incorporation into an online repository that may be used for the adoption and implementation of best practices within academic physical therapy.  The committee responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Determining the core categories for which “exemplars of excellence” would be considered, referring to the Criteria for Excellence and other relevant frameworks, and recognizing these may evolve over time.
  • Developing policies, procedures and guidelines for the committee to identify, review, and assess information that may be considered for the repository.
  • Regular and ongoing assessment of the accessibility and impact of the repository.
  • Identifying areas in which exemplars of excellence have not yet been defined and make recommendations to the ACAPT Board to consider for future development.
  • Working collaboratively with ACAPT’s Awards & Recognition Committee as well as the Resource Development Committee of the Leadership Academy in utilizing the exemplars to evaluate prospective awardees.
  • Advising the Board of Directors on matters pertaining to ACAPT’s and its members’ needs and opportunities.
  • Working closely with the Board Liaison and Executive Director to develop plans, identify resources and timelines.
  • Interacting with ACAPT leadership groups and other stakeholder groups to facilitate and coordinate implementation of ideas and solutions.
  • Conducting routine reviews to refresh the information posted, confirming that hyperlinks work and where content may be interrelated.  Assure all information has permission for access/use.
  • Developing and proposing a budget by date requested by ACAPT’s Treasurer to accomplish goals and objectives.
  • Making recommendations to the Board of Directors for appointment of members as needed to assist in planning and on-site management of committee activities.
  • Submitting written reports to the Board of Directors as requested.
  • Ensuring that the ACAPT Marketing Specialist is aware of information updates within the repository to help promote the use of the gathered exemplars of excellence.

Committee members as of April 2020:

Chair: Angela Gisselman, High Point University

Board liaison: Mary Dockter, University of Mary

  • Lauren Emmel, University of Mary
  • Alexis (Lexie) Wright, High Point University
  • Katherine (Kat) Wilford, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences 

Term: The terms of service are for three years with the opportunity to serve two consecutive terms without board approval. In the initial formation of the committee, the chair and one-half of the committee will serve a three-year term and the remaining appointed members will serve a two-year term. This will help to facilitate staggered terms so that historical knowledge will not be lost between appointments.

Elected/Appointed:  All committee members are appointed. Appointees must be an “Individual Member” of an ACAPT member institution, as defined in the ACAPT bylaws.


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