Based on the 2022 Institutional Profile Survey responses from over 200 DPT programs, below is a recap of some staff size data points. See the survey recap and full report.
Assistant or associate program directors
Assistant or associate program directors are more common at doctoral and special focus four-year medical schools & centers. Doctoral universities are far more likely to have at least one full-time assistant or associate program director when compared to a Master’s college or university.

As the size of the DPT student body increases, programs are more likely to have full-time assistant or associate program directors.

Assistant or associate directors of clinical education (DCEs)
The larger the size of the DPT student body, the more likely a program will have one or more full-time assistant or associate DCEs.

Non-faculty, admin staff assigned to clinical education
For programs with 100+ students, the full-time equivalent of clinical education administrative staff typically increases.

Review the full report
For details on all the 2022 Institutional Profile Survey responses, ACAPT members can access the full report at Members and non-members may email with
any questions.
ACAPT plans to conduct an annual Institutional Profile Survey to track and report trends about academic physical therapy. We encourage all ACAPT member DPT programs to participate in ACAPT’s
2023 survey in January when we launch a new platform for survey collection and reporting.
How to use the survey data
Whether you work in a large or small institution or program, you can use the survey data to make decisions for your own DPT program.
- Innovation: We recognize that each institution has a unique mission, structure and approach. You'll be able to use the survey aggregate data to learn about different DPT program approaches.
You may find that certain data will help you make a business case to your administration about changes you’d like to make.
- Inquiry: As you complete the survey and review results, you may question certain assumptions, gain new insights and consider more effective ways to approach teaching or serving your community.
- Collaboration: We’re all in this together! The survey process begins to collect data related to the challenges you and other ACAPT members face, allowing ACAPT and the PT education community to track and tackle solutions to critical issues.
- Confidentiality: You’ll receive aggregate reporting and individual responses will be kept completely confidential and secure. The Center is designed to inform and guide – not to compare and assess.
The core purpose of the American Council of Physical Therapy (ACAPT) is to lead physical therapy in the pursuit of academic excellence. ACAPT’s membership represents roughly 96% of
all accredited DPT programs in the United States. Learn more about ACAPT.
About the 2022 ACAPT Institutional Profile Survey
ACAPT launched its first Institutional Profile Survey in January 2022 to the program director at each of its 256 ACAPT member institutions. With a 79% response rate, 217 programs responded.