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2023 Institutional Profile Survey Report

2023 Institutional Profile Survey

We are pleased to share a comprehensive report of the 2023 IPS results.  Thank you to the over 200 member institutions that completed the 2023 Institutional Profile Survey - a response rate of over 70%!

Members can use future aggregate data to help make informed decisions and negotiate with your provost for the long-term benefit of your DPT program. The collective, de-identified data will help DPT programs think beyond accreditation standards and how to continuously improve in an ongoing pursuit of excellence.

Review the full report

For details on all the 2023 Institutional Profile Survey responses, ACAPT members can access the full report. Non-members may email data@acapt.org with any questions.

  • For ACAPT member participants in the 2023 Institutional Profile Survey:  If needed, your program director can email acapt@acapt.org to receive a PDF/export file of your institution's 2023 survey responses

      Privacy standards

      While privacy and other concerns currently prevent CAPTE from sharing Annual Accreditation Report (AAR) data, ACAPT is continuing to meet with CAPTE on a regular basis to discuss opportunities that lead us closer to our shared goal of excellence in academic physical therapy.  For the ACAPT survey, we avoided redundancy where possible, while collecting meaningful data related to excellence that goes beyond accreditation standards.

      ACAPT is committed to data confidentiality & security.

      Clinical education benefits

      Many programs offer benefits for clinical partners, such as continuing education (75%) or library privileges (47%). See the member-approved ACAPT motion about non-monetary benefits for clinical education experiences.

      How to use the survey data

      Whether you work in a large or small institution or program, you can use the survey data to make decisions for your own DPT program.  

      • Innovation: We recognize that each institution has a unique mission, structure and approach. You'll be able to use the survey aggregate data to learn about different DPT program approaches.
        You may find that certain data will help you make a business case to your administration about changes you’d like to make.   
      • Inquiry:  As you complete the survey and review results, you may question certain assumptions, gain new insights and consider more effective ways to approach teaching or serving your community.  
      • Collaboration:  We’re all in this together!  The survey process begins to collect data related to the challenges you and other ACAPT members face, allowing ACAPT and the PT education community to track and tackle solutions to critical issues.
      • Confidentiality:  You’ll receive aggregate reporting and individual responses will be kept completely confidential and secure.  The Center is designed to inform and guide – not to compare and assess.  


      Thank you for your commitment to excellence in
      academic physical therapy!


      About ACAPT

      The core purpose of the American Council of Physical Therapy (ACAPT) is to lead physical therapy in the pursuit of academic excellence. ACAPT’s membership represents 95% of all accredited DPT programs in the United States. Learn more about ACAPT


      About the ACAPT Institutional Profile Survey

      ACAPT launched its first Institutional Profile Survey in January 2022 to the program director at each of its 256 member institutions. For the 2023 Institutional Profile Survey, 205 out of 279 member institutions responded resulting in a 73% response rate.

      Check out the Center for Excellence in Academic Physical Therapy


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