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2020 practice analysis for NPTE

Dec 29, 2020

Every year, the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) undertakes a formal, systematic process referred to as an "analysis of practice" to ensure the questions on the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) reflect important knowledge and skills relevant to safe and effective care. This process begins with identifying work requirements for entry-level practitioners and ends with developing a formal set of test specifications that delineates the knowledge and skills related to safe and effective entry-level practice. FSBPT formally reviews these data and updates the PT and PTA examinations' content outlines every five years.

This year , FSBPT collected data in April and May, so we did not see much impact from the pandemic. However, changes in practice due to COVID-19 may be reflected in the 2021 analysis. This year had an excellent response rate and collected more than 5,000 usable responses.

Consistent with the 2019 results, most statements related to "integumentary repair and protection techniques" or "therapeutic modalities" are trending down in importance. Some topics that are trending upward include dry needling for PTs and performing tests and measures of body dimensions for PTAs.

You can read the full report FSBPT's website.

Please let FSBPT know if you have any comments or questions.

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