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ACAPT statement of support for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community

Mar 29, 2021

As our country has witnessed the horrific hate crimes against the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, ACAPT stands in solidarity with our AAPI faculty, staff, and students. We condemn the racism and senseless acts of violence against the AAPI community.  We condemn the use of xenophobic language against any group.  We commit to speaking up and speaking out in opposition to this hatred and all hatred and racism. #STOPAAPIHATE

We encourage faculty at member institutions to provide local resources to support faculty, staff, and students during these challenging times in our country.  There are national resources available from multiple organizations which are provided below for your reference. ACAPT is committed to creating resources in the future that will be targeted to meeting the overall needs of institutional members’ faculty and students to support underrepresented groups. 

ACAPT Board of Directors

Mark Reinking, President, ACAPT, Regis University
Michael Sheldon, Vice President, ACAPT, University of New England
Emmanuel John, Secretary, ACAPT, Chapman University
Julia Chevan, Treasurer, ACAPT, Springfield College
Peter Altenburger, Director, ACAPT, Indiana University
Marie Johanson, Director, ACAPT, Emory University
John Buford, Director, ACAPT, The Ohio State University
Scott Davis, Director, ACAPT, Marshall University
Mary Dockter, Director, ACAPT, University of Mary

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