This year, ACAPT committed $24,000 to support diversity in APTA’s Fellowship in Education Leadership (FEL) by offering scholarships to two FEL participants.
ACAPT selected faculty diversity award recipients based on the applicant’s leadership goals, connection with ACAPT’s mission and how the fellowship will help a candidate’s future role at their educational institution and within ACAPT.
Congratulations to our two award winners:

Tracy A. Thomas, PT, DPT, PhD
Coordinator of DPT Student Research / Professor
Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
"I’m truly committed to increasing diversity in the profession of physical therapy. I was one of 14 minority students, in a class of 40, at the country’s largest HBCU...Let that sink in. And here we are today, 29 years later, where the 'face' of our profession has changed very little," says Dr. Thomas.
"I anticipate gaining insight on innovative approaches to advance my program’s assessment tools and outcomes. And I hope to develop sustainable partnerships with other institutions and companies, as well as learn tactics on internal program development. With the growing awareness of lack of diversity and culture in the profession, I’m hopeful that participation in the fellowship will catapult me as a mentor for other minorities that desire to advance in academia."

Wayne Brewer, PT, PhD, MPH, OCS
Associate Professor
Texas Woman's University
"As a member of an under-represented minority group, I believe it is critical for ACAPT to develop mentorship opportunities in the area of research for entry-level and post-professional doctoral students," says Dr. Brewer.
"The well documented shortage of students from under-represented minority backgrounds in physical therapy has left a vacuum of researchers who are by virtue of their lived experiences, uniquely positioned to conduct research that impacts the care for patients from these same ethnic backgrounds. I would like to be involved in ACAPT to develop a formal research mentoring program."