Registration opens in June
ACAPT and the APTA Academy of Education are working hard on the 17th Annual Physical Therapy Education Leadership Conference (ELC) programming around the theme: Pursuing Excellence & Innovation in Physical Therapy Education. Thanks to all who submitted an ELC abstract. We expect registration to open on June 7.
Special invitation to clinical partners
- Up to 37 clinical educators - including site coordinators of clinical education (SCCEs), clinical instructors (CIs), clinic administrators/managers & fellowship/residency educators - who spend 50% of their time in the clinic can take advantage of a free ELC registration by applying for a scholarship.
- Up to three full-time PhD students will also be awarded a scholarship.
- Deadline to apply: Tuesday, May 31. The application is short and very easy to complete quickly.
Directors of clinical education (DCEs)
Please forward this scholarship opportunity and ELC invitation to all your clinical affiliates so we can increase clinical educator representation. Our goal is 120 clinicians in attendance and we need your help.