To advance a shared culture of continual improvement through assessment, the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) is partnering with Exxat to collect critical baseline data in clinical education that will promote better outcomes within the academic-clinical partnership.
Earlier this year, ACAPT launched its Center for Excellence in Academic Physical Therapy to help realize our vision to create a shared culture of excellence. We believe excellence is an aspiration characterized by continual improvement that respects and supports differences while intentionally striving to transform learners, advance knowledge, and improve societal health.
We believe excellence is achieved when the academic culture supports the ongoing development and integration of three domains: Inquiry, inclusion, and innovation.
The Center for Excellence launched ACAPT’s first annual Institutional Profile Survey in January 2022 to aggregate and share data about Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) programs and how they operate. The survey included questions about clinical education, but the Exxat partnership will expand our platform of reliable clinical affiliate data. Member institutions can use the data to inform their program's strategic planning and decision-marking.
In January 2023, ACAPT members will have their own secure and confidential account to complete the second annual Institutional Profile Survey. After data is collected, verified and integrated, members will be able to run unique, anonymized reports to distill state, regional, and national information relevant to their program or clinical setting. The reports can be used to make a business case about any changes they’d like to make within their program or clinical setting, or to recommend changes at a national level.
About Exxat
Exxat is a company focused on giving health sciences students and academicians “exactly what they are looking for” by providing education management solutions.
Founded in 2011, Exxat has grown from a stand-alone product built for a single client to an integrated suite of 4 modules supporting a dynamic community of 1,000 educational programs across the country through clinical education placements, accreditation processes, compliance management and more.