ACAPT has joined with other members of the Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP) to urge Congressional leaders to include robust health professions funding in a FY 23 appropriations package.
The joint letter from FASHP advocates for strong funding for student aid programs like the Pell Grant program and campus-based aid programs, as well as continued support for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF).
The current Continuing Resolution (CR) expires on December 16, and Democrats and Republicans have yet to agree on spending levels for non-defense spending along with an array of other issues, increasing the likelihood of another Continuing Resolution into the following week, giving both parties more time to negotiate an Omnibus spending agreement. Many of the most conservative Members in the House and Senate would like to push final consideration of FY 23 funding until Republicans regain control of the House next month, allowing them to recraft the bills at significantly lower overall funding levels.
Please consider contacting your Congressional representatives to advocate for the funding too.