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Nominating Committee

The ACAPT Nominating Committee consists of three members, existing to foster activities that maintain and promote a pool of nominees for elections each year to the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee presents the slate of candidates at the ACAPT annual meeting, where additional nominations from the floor are in order.

The ballot is published within four weeks after the annual meeting, containing the names of individuals nominated in accordance with the Standing Rules who have consented to serve if elected. No later than four weeks after the annual meeting, members vote online and have the opportunity to vote during a period lasting at least 10 days. Election of the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee members shall be determined by a plurality vote.

Nominating Committee Members

Term: The term of office of each member of the Nominating Committee shall be for three years or until a successor is elected. Term of office shall commence at the Annual Meeting of the Representatives of the Member Institutions in the year in which they are elected.  The term of one member shall expire each year.  No member shall be elected to successive complete terms.

Elected/Appointed:  Elected 

Composition: The Nominating Committee shall consist of three Member Institution Representatives.  One member shall be elected annually by the membership. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Nominating Committee. Vacancies on the Nominating Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors until the next Annual Meeting of ACAPT, when an election will be held to fill the unexpired portion of the term. 

Specific Responsibilities: The Nominating Committee shall, in addition to the duties otherwise directed by the Board of Directors or Member Institutions:

  1. Review positions for which future nominations should be secured.
  2. Solicit nominations of candidates from October (Annual Meeting) through December.
    • Assure eligibility of each candidate to run for office according to the ACAPT bylaws.
    • Encourage experience, skills and/or history that correlate to ACAPT’s mission, vision, and strategic initiatives, to ensure proper expertise and diversity.
    • Review and share with the Board any potential conflicts of interests of the candidates.
    • Recommend that candidates that hold a leadership position in an ACAPT Consortium or APTA Academy should withdraw from that position if they successfully run for an ACAPT Board position.
  3. Secure candidate information by the end of January, including:
    • Signed Consent to Serve Form.
    • Signed conflict of interest policy & form.
    • Brief bio of not more than 200 words.
    • A candidate statement of not more than 200 words outlining his/her qualifications for the position and pressing issues or initiatives he/she believes ACAPT should address and how they are consistent with ACAPT’s current strategic plan.
    • Evaluate all nominees to identify those best-qualified candidates that most closely meet the criteria for each vacant position.
  4. Provide a slate with a reasonable number of candidates, with at least two candidates for each position, if possible, from those eligible and consenting to serve.  
    • The slate of candidates, including candidate statements and bios, shall be submitted to the executive office by the middle of March.
  5. Compile a table with the candidate information outlined above for posting to the ACAPT website in advance of elections for review by the voting body.  Executive office to set up polls and provide a link to the nominating committee for testing.
  6. Work with executive office to coordinate ballot procedures and verify with ACAPT’s bylaws.
  7. Polls close on the first Monday of May.  Notify ACAPT’s Board of Directors by email of election results in a timely manner at the close of the election.  Notify elected candidates and encourage them to make their arrangements for ELC.
  8. Submit an official report to the board to be captured in the minutes for the board meeting following notification of results by email.
  9. Submit a newsletter article notifying the membership of the election results.
  10. Executive Office will coordinate with newly elected officers of the board options for securing hotel reservations for ELC.
  11. Send thank you communication to all candidates who consented to serve but were not slated and to those that were slated but not elected. 
  12. Encourage those not elected to run again in the future or consider appointments that may be open.
  13. Foster activities that maintain and promote a pool of qualified nominees.
  14. Submit news articles procuring nominations, announcing the slate, and encouraging participation in the election poll by all voters, when appropriate within the timeline.
  15. Maintain history of elections and procedures with executive office for succession planning for future Nominating Committee members.
  16. Encourage an informed transition between outgoing and incoming officers.

The Nominating Committee Team

Chair - Jennifer Christy, University of Alabama Birmingham

Amber Fitzsimmons, PT, MS, DPTSc, University of California, San Francisco

Marisa Birkmeier, PT, DPT, DHSc, Board Certified in Pediatric PT, George Washington University



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