The first in a two-part series of webinars, "Having a Seat at the Table" begins the series by highlighting an educational leader's journey in promoting the value of a DPT program within their department, school, college, and university.
The webinar offers examples and paths for DPT faculty and leaders t:o
- Illustrate visibility, presence, & the importance of representation of work units to others within the academy.
- Justify the use of resources to support colleagues and teams to be recognized and successful among professional colleagues regionally, nationally, and internationally.
- Design environments to exemplify leadership involvement at multiple levels with the unit of the academy.
- Create a collaborative effort to advance physical therapy education with the institutional development office.
- Optimize interdisciplinary collaboration while respecting professional autonomies.
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Non-members, click here to purchase ($30)
The original webinar took place in July 12, 2023.