Thanks to all member institutions that have already renewed! And a special welcome to new members. ACAPT is proud to historically represent over 95% of all accredited Doctor of Physical Therapist (DPT) programs in the United States.
All ACAPT representatives and bundle administrators received a renewal email between April 25 - May 13 with the subject line "ACAPT Membership Renewal". If your institution hasn't received a reminder, check your spam/junk folder or email Dues must be received by Tuesday, September 13 or membership rights, including voting on motions, will terminate.
Your institution's membership ensures your faculty & clinical affiliates continue to benefit from:
- A voice to effect change in academic physical therapy.
- Regular engagement with the ACAPT board of directors and your peers through virtual discussion forums, Education Leadership Conference (ELC) open forum and business meeting.
- Free access to the Institutional Profile Survey report with stats you can use in published articles, decision-making and strategic planning.
- Complimentary Leadership Compass.
- Member rates for events.
- Volunteer service opportunities to expand your professional growth.
- Job posting discounts.
- Inclusion in the member institution map and individuals in the member directory. (If you haven't created or updated your profile, be sure to do so at
See all the ways to get involved with ACAPT.
This year, we will continue to lead physical therapy in the pursuit of academic excellence to meet
strategic goals in:
- Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)
- Academic innovation
- Influence
Thanks again for your support!
ACAPT relies heavily on membership dues and your volunteer participation to succeed.
ACAPT welcomes ideas & solutions to help meet the needs of DPT programs. Submit your suggestions for continuing ed, professional development, guidelines, tools, best practices & more. Feel free to email any other feedback or questions to

ACAPT Executive Director Sandy Brooks