ACAPT's National Consortium of Clinical Educators (NCCE) engages academic and clinical educators through partnerships to advance excellence and innovation in physical therapist education. NCCE membership is made up of one academic partner and one clinical partner from each ACAPT member institution. If you haven’t already done so, your academic program can join NCCE for free by registering your institution pair.
Physical therapists are required to interpret continuously evolving information with each patient encounter, requiring adaptability and clinical reasoning for the delivery of best practice. The power of practice-based learning to develop adaptive expertise in medical education has shown improved outcomes and aligns with promoting excellence and innovation in physical therapist education. There has been a recent call to action to adopt and utilize the Master Adaptive Learner framework across all levels of physical therapy education.
This session presents a model of residency education utilizing the Master Adaptive Learner (MAL) framework in every facet of the development to include the:
Professional formation than can also be applied to entry-level clinical education.
Utilization of a learning framework allows intentional and explicit decisions aimed at delivering quality education embedded in current science of teaching and learning strategies. A focus on the coaching model to develop adaptive expertise, facilitate self-directed learning and foster lifelong commitment to self-improvement will be utilized.
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The American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) is a component of the American Physical Therapy Association
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