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Curricula Development

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 More Resources by Topic

The following are more resources related to Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) curricula.

Clinical reasoning

Videos for students/faculty:  

Following is the understanding of clinical reasoning as outlined in Clinical reasoning in physical therapy: A concept analysis

“Based on the concept analysis and the themes and patterns that emerged, clinical reasoning in physical therapy could be conceptualized as integrating cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills. It is contextual in nature and involves both therapist and client perspectives. It is adaptive, iterative and collaborative with the intended outcome being a biopsychosocial approach to patient/client management.”

Clinical reasoning terms & definitions

Fact sheet on clinical reasoning

Bibliography of select clinical reasoning articles

A tool for clinical reasoning & reflection using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF) Framework & Patient Management Model

Clinical reasoning & decision-making in physical therapy: Facilitation, assessment & implementation


Check out the Center for Excellence in Academic Physical Therapy


ACAPT welcomes ideas & solutions to help meet the needs of DPT programs. Submit your suggestions for continuing education, professional development, guidelines, tools, best practices and more.

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