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President Kim Varnado reflects on 2024 and a decade of excellence

Sep 19, 2024

The 2024 ACAPT annual report was just released including President Kim Varnado's reflections on the accomplishments and impact made over the past decade since incorporation. 

An excerpt from her letter is below:

ACAPT's decade in service to the academic PT community

Creation of:

Products and services created from the 2014 Clinical Education Summit:

In support of:

  • APTA Centennial Scholar program.
  • Education research initiatives include the Grant Writing and Mentorship in Education Research (GAMER), mini-GAMER, and the Medical Education Research Certificate program (AAMC).
  • Membership established with the American Council on Education, the NASEM Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education, the Federation of Associations of Schools in the Health Professions, and the Interprofessional Education Collaborative
  • Education Leadership Partnership that jointly produced the A Vision for Excellence in Physical Therapy Education

Future ACAPT products and services:

  • Clinical Reasoning Toolshed - a searchable site with data and related instruments on all things clinical reasoning.
  • Blueprint for Excellence - e-book outlining the core elements of an excellent DPT program.
  • Higher Logic platform that allows for higher member engagement and resource sharing
  • Several products following the NEDIC Summit, Accessibility Summit, and Institute task forces

I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the many people instrumental in the formation of ACAPT. Thank you to Alicia Theile, Barbara Sanders, Beth Marcoux, Dave Sommers, Diane Jette, George Coggeshall, Jan Richardson, Jennifer Collins, Jim Carey, Jim Gordon, Leslie Portney, Mark Reinking, Nancy Reese, Neva Greenwald, Randy Walker, Rick Segal, Robert Sandstrom, Steve Tippet, Stuart Binder-MacLeod, and Tom Mayhew. While 2014 marks the 10-year anniversary of ACAPT's Articles of Incorporation, it also marks the 15th anniversary of ACAPT's creation that took root by these individuals at ELC in 2009. We invite you to visit our history page which includes video testimonials and transcripts from our founders and more.

To view the full 2024 annual report, click here.


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